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New Jersey (NJ) Information Governance CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For New Jersey (NJ) Information Governance

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57 minutes
Controlling the Rise of the Machines: Strategies for Safe AI Implementation and Mitigating Shadow IT Risks in Legal
This discussion will engage participants in developing concrete strategies for drafting, implementing and enforcing AI use policies within their organizations. Panelists will touch on the evolving nature of governance in the face of AI advancements and how governance is changing in reaction to AI, the conversations that need to be had, and anticipated future governance trends. The session will also tackle the challenge of 'shadow IT' -- the use of unauthorized or unmanaged tech by employees -- and offer practical solutions to manage these risks.

LWNY 2024


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60 minutes
Staying Ahead of the Curve: Handling the Evolving Landscape of SEC Cyber Regulations and Compliance
As the digital landscape evolves, it is essential for organizations to stay ahead of the curve and effectively address cyber risks to protect sensitive information and maintain regulatory compliance. The SEC has taken a similar approach of trying to protect sensitive information with their broad suite of new cybersecurity rules, including policies and procedures to address cybersecurity risk, written incident response programs, and much more. Our panelists will share insights into the evolving expectations of the SEC, discuss compliance processes that should be implemented and identify best practices to improve incident response and reporting.

General Counsel Conference


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61 minutes
Regulators Always Ring Twice: Responding to a Government Request
Government investigations can be unpredictable, political, and often public. If handled incorrectly, they can last for many years and spiral into multiple Congressional, criminal, or regulatory investigations at the state and federal levels, and generate serious reputational harm. It is essential all organizations have a strategic government response plan in place and take a proactive approach to these investigations, but what does that look like?



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58 minutes
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat: Information Governance in the Legal Field
Are you adrift in a sea of legal information? Strap on your flippers and don't fear the shark. We'll tell a salty tale or two and explore these issues together on a deep dive.


Available with Unlimited Subscription Only. Learn More

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61 minutes
We Have a Privacy Policy in Place, Are We Compliant?
Privacy Policies and Privacy Programs are unique to each organization. Understanding your data privacy risk and where your data is located should be the starting point to creating a Privacy Policy and Privacy Program. Learn about your data privacy risk by using various assessments and techniques, including data mapping and data privacy assessments.



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60 minutes
New Implications of Gathering, Storing, and Managing Employee Health Data
From OSHA to HIPAA, as we gain traction on returning to in-person work, governing bodies are clamoring to identify the legality of collecting and storing all this data. What can we use it for, and when is health data storage infringing on human rights? This session will deep dive into the impact the last year has had on health data and implications in how this data can legally be used moving forward.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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59 minutes
Navigating Regulatory Compliance Through Effective Data Protection and Governance Strategy
All it takes is one employee clicking on the wrong link in an email, and the hundreds of thousands of dollars you spend on your security infrastructure are useless. So to sit back and rely on your IT department with the expectation that nothing will ever go wrong is a risky proposition. Issues related to data privacy and cybersecurity are not limited to large organizations. In fact, depending on what reports you read, anywhere from 40% to 60% of cyber-attacks specifically target small to medium-sized businesses, and upwards of 70% of small businesses have experienced some form of cyberattack in the last year. The smaller the business, the fewer the resources it will typically have to spend on cybersecurity. If you think a good cybersecurity plan and infrastructure is too expensive, wait until you find out how much it costs not to have one.



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63 minutes
Meeting the Challenges of Information Governance in the Cloud
Meeting the challenges of Information Governance in the Cloud Today, business is powered by best-of-breed apps with fast-growing collaboration apps leading the way. On average, companies are using 129 applications to power their workforce - resulting in data taking on new formats and accumulating in more hard to reach silos than ever before. This data fragmentation is creating new challenges for eDiscovery, legal hold, archiving, and more. In this session, we’ll discuss how organizations like yours can meet the challenges of cloud technology.



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