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New York (NY) Corporate Governance CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For New York (NY) Corporate Governance

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59 minutes
Guiding Your Organization Through Corporate Investigations
When your organization goes through an internal investigation, this is the moment of truth for your legal and compliance program and where the work really happens. It is critical that, as soon as allegations come to light, the company decides decisions are made about whether to investigate, who should direct and conduct the investigation, the goals and scope of an investigation, and whether a report will be issued, and how to best prepare the company for a potential investigation by a government agency. This session will set forth a framework of best practices and key considerations for effective internal investigations, including the need for disclosure to and coordination with auditors, regulators, and others.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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62 minutes
Avoiding Compliance Fatigue & Managing Through Regulatory Changes
Every business has its own set of unique regulatory challenges, making compliance difficult to implement and sustain for each individual business. Having an effective compliance program is not only a legal obligation for businesses, but it is also absolutely essential for risk mitigation. This session will delve into how to effectively prepare for regulatory and policy changes, and will also cover how to avoid compliance fatigue. Leave with an understanding of how to build a robust compliance program, from standards, policies, and procedures, to investigations and remedial measures that are tailored to your specific organization.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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57 minutes
Controlling the Rise of the Machines: Strategies for Safe AI Implementation and Mitigating Shadow IT Risks in Legal
This discussion will engage participants in developing concrete strategies for drafting, implementing and enforcing AI use policies within their organizations. Panelists will touch on the evolving nature of governance in the face of AI advancements and how governance is changing in reaction to AI, the conversations that need to be had, and anticipated future governance trends. The session will also tackle the challenge of 'shadow IT' -- the use of unauthorized or unmanaged tech by employees -- and offer practical solutions to manage these risks.

LWNY 2024

Available with Unlimited Subscription Only. Learn More

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59 minutes
Green Washing & Environmental Law Impacts on Businesses
As ESG pressures continue to intensify, GC's have become more likely to shoulder the responsibility of how to correctly measure, report, and decide what's appropriate for individual company goals. With these increased pressures from stakeholders, and regulators, comes the increased risk of falling into a greenwashing trap. This session will provide an overview of the impacts of environmental law on your overall business strategy, and how to identify and avoid greenwashing pitfalls, and other possible ESG risks.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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60 minutes
Reputational Risk & Creating A Purposeful Corporate Culture: What Does Your Organization Stand For?
Taking the right stance in today's society is a challenge for organizations, especially given the current political and social environment. In this session, learn how to navigate taking a stance on important societal issues and understand which policies and procedures should be implemented in order to act as an ethically sound organization. To avoid any reputational damage, it is pertinent for GCs to take the right approach and not waiver on any ethical issues.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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59 minutes
Leveling Up: Successfully Integrating ESG into your Organization Framework
ESG is multifaceted and continues to be an important priority for legal departments and overall organizational messaging. So many in-house counsels are trying to find their way to shape the foundation of a successful ESG program. Effectively building ESG considerations into your strategy and risk management framework will help support better financial performance and long-term business success. Attend this session to discover the value of involving ESG into your risk appetite, learn how to influence and hold decision-makers accountable for ESG goals, communicate the value effectively to multiple audiences, and ensure your business is prepared for the challenges ahead involving ESG regulations and consumer expectations.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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53 minutes
Investigations vs Monitoring: Strengthening Your Monitoring Program in the Pursuit of Less Investigations
Investigations are never the ideal scenario and can sometimes be prevented with an effective monitoring program. However, how do you build a monitoring program that can reduce the risk of investigations, and what are the common issues to consider? In this session, our experts will discuss the best way to begin building a monitoring program, the impact of privacy regulations, and how technologies such as AI can be used to make the whole process more efficient.



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64 minutes
Driving Compliance and ESG Initiatives with Contract AI
In this session, you’ll hear from experts and peers with hands-on experience using contract AI to solve for compliance challenges.



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59 minutes
Navigating Regulatory Compliance Through Effective Data Protection and Governance Strategy
All it takes is one employee clicking on the wrong link in an email, and the hundreds of thousands of dollars you spend on your security infrastructure are useless. So to sit back and rely on your IT department with the expectation that nothing will ever go wrong is a risky proposition. Issues related to data privacy and cybersecurity are not limited to large organizations. In fact, depending on what reports you read, anywhere from 40% to 60% of cyber-attacks specifically target small to medium-sized businesses, and upwards of 70% of small businesses have experienced some form of cyberattack in the last year. The smaller the business, the fewer the resources it will typically have to spend on cybersecurity. If you think a good cybersecurity plan and infrastructure is too expensive, wait until you find out how much it costs not to have one.



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