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New York (NY) Cybersecurity CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For New York (NY) Cybersecurity

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60 minutes
AI and the Law: A Wild, Wild Ride Begins...
If you thought the rise of the Internet and services like Napster pushed the boundaries of the law, you ain’t seen nothing yet until you’ve seen artificial intelligence (“AI”). Experienced intellectual property lawyer Peter Afrasiabi provides an overview of AI.

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
Snap Out of It! Overcoming the Data Theft Blues & Finding Industry Leading Practices to Help Reduce the Impact
As organizations generate and store increasing volumes of personal and sensitive data they are becoming an ever greater target for cybercriminals wanting to extort data for financial gain. The risk of getting it wrong has never been so high. Listen to our panel of experts discuss the threat & regulatory landscape, considerations in breach response, and the opportunity to go from head-ache to head-start.



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59 minutes
Data Breach Double Play: Lessons from Data Breach War Stories and Responding to Healthcare Data Breaches
In this program, you'll learn the lessons of some data breach cases that can help you protect your company when facing a data breach. This program also provides timely, actionable advice that includes the 5 things you can start doing today to help prevent data breaches and better prepare your company to respond to them if they do occur, focusing on the healthcare space where data breaches can include disclosure of personal health information regulated by state and federal laws including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
Siri and Alexa Are Out to Get You
Stuart Teicher, Esq., doesn’t call them “virtual assistants”,  he calls them “virtual career killers.” That’s because the use of these devices are fraught with serious ethics issues. Join the CLE Performer Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he explores the never-ending problems with virtual assistants and related technologies. Rule 1.1 and Rule 1.6 discussed.

Stuart Teicher


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60 minutes
The Danger of Digital Signatures (and Other Issues in Tech)
E-signatures have become a part of the practice, but there are ethical concerns with that. Join the CLE Performer Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he talks about digital signatures and a few other new ethics issues with technology.

Stuart Teicher


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59 minutes
Change Management: Steps to Successfully Adopting AI, RPA, and Emerging Technologies in Your Law Firm
If you are looking to implement new technologies and want to understand the steps to make the change, join this discussion and learn from award-winning legal technology experts and immigration attorneys who have a track record in creating and embedding these technologies into law firm processes.



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63 minutes
Navigating the Data Privacy Minefield
This session will give you insight into keeping pace with emerging state data privacy regulations. Following passage of CCPA and CPRA in California, states are prioritizing enacting data privacy laws to more aggressively regulate the use of consumers’ personal information. These laws will have profound implications on how companies, including law firms, do business and communicate with their customers moving forward.



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61 minutes
Highlighting Challenges in the Intersection of Data Privacy and Discovery
In this session, our data scientists and privacy experts will share emerging solutions for extracting and protecting private information throughout the discovery process.



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61 minutes
Leveraging Microsoft 365 in a Post-Schrems II World
The Schrems II decision to invalidate the EU-US Privacy Shield has had far-reaching ramifications for cross-border data transfers and cloud computing, including Microsoft 365 (M365). In this panel discussion, industry experts will review the high-impact challenges when it comes to M365 specifically and outline a way forward for attendees.



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