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New York (NY) Law Practice Management CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For New York (NY) Law Practice Management

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120 minutes
Hack My MBA for Lawyers: Financial Statement Red Flags
In this program in the series, Zach McGee teaches the basics of financial statement analysis that will help you answer important questions such as: Is this company doing well or poorly? Is it overvalued or undervalued relative to the price set by the market?, etc. - to help you better understand and communicate with your MBA-trained or other finance-type clients.

New Media Legal


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59 minutes
Data-Driven Lawyering: Maturing Best Practices to Combine Firm and Public Data
Law firms on the cutting edge of combining internal law firm data with public datasets will describe their use cases and share their secrets for improving substantive work-product and developing new business. We’ll discuss how firms have married state and federal litigation dockets, patent and trademark prosecution dockets, new lawsuit feeds, and public and private data on deals (e.g., M&A) — all to build workflows for: (1) analytics and research (2) better RFPs, (3) experience databases, and (4) user-driven development.



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62 minutes
What’s in Your Data? You Can’t Govern What You Don’t See
In this session, we will discuss the importance of data growth and how data flows within organizations and what you can do to build good governance while protecting critical and valuable assets.



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63 minutes
Drivers, Dashboards, and Data Dives: Using Metrics and Process to Optimize Outcomes
Monitoring metrics and analyzing data are important ways to ensure litigation support departments are operating as effectively as possible. Join us as we discuss the value of leveraging technology to monitor your team’s performance. Learn how to identify which metrics to track to better understand how your department is operating. Our panel will highlight practical ways to make process changes that will improve communication and outcomes within and across teams.



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58 minutes
Follow the Money: Use Outcome-Oriented Analytics to Keep Clients Happy & Win Cases
In order to build winning and lucrative litigation strategies with outcome-oriented analytics, attorneys need access to superior research solutions and accurate data. In this session, thought leaders will examine new developments and trends in legal analytics and how to find the information litigators need most—the money trail, case resolutions, and trustworthy data.



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60 minutes
Are We on the Verge of a LegalTech Bubble?
Join our experts as they debate whether consumer demand supports the level of product innovation and the growing pool of VC funds backing LegalTech startups.



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58 minutes
Innovation Culture Wars
In this revealing session, our expert panelists will share their varied experiences and perspectives on how to overcome some of the institutionalized norms and attitudes that make innovation a challenging (albeit gratifying) endeavor.



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58 minutes
Mitigating the Discovery Risks for the Hybrid Workforce
2020 fundamentally changed the way that businesses get work done. Everyone is now fully digitized, and dependent on Zoom, Microsoft, Slack, and mobile apps to engage with others and collaborate internally. This will have a profound impact on eDiscovery as we move toward a work-from-anywhere future. Join our panel as they discuss the implications, and share best practices to prepare for the future of work.



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59 minutes
Change Management: Steps to Successfully Adopting AI, RPA, and Emerging Technologies in Your Law Firm
If you are looking to implement new technologies and want to understand the steps to make the change, join this discussion and learn from award-winning legal technology experts and immigration attorneys who have a track record in creating and embedding these technologies into law firm processes.



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