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Ohio CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Ohio

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61 minutes
Demystifying Cyber Insurance
Join this session as our cyber insurance experts consider the current status of cyber insurance, delve into the process and the due diligence required before adopting a policy, and offer insights into the challenges you can face with your policy downstream.



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66 minutes
Legal Ethics: Trump, Gawker and the Legal Ethics of Alternative Litigation Finance
In the latest installment of this popular series, Zach McGee discusses the legal ethics issues that arise when someone other than the plaintiff is funding a lawsuit, which often goes by the name “alternative litigation finance” or ALF. Zach examines these issues in the context of the two most famous ALF lawsuits that have been prosecuted to date: E. Jean Carroll’s lawsuit against former President Donald Trump alleging that he sexually assaulted and defamed her, and Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against the gossip website Gawker alleging that the site invaded his privacy when it published a sex tape in which Hogan appeared. Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 1.2, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 5.4 & 7.2; California Rules of Professional Conduct 1.2.1 & 2.1; New York Rules of Professional Conduct 1.2 & 1.8; California Business & Professions Code ? 6129.

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61 minutes
Legal Ethics: Representing the Devil
In the latest installment of this popular series, Zach McGee examines an important question: what are your legal and ethical obligations when your client turns out to be the devil incarnate, or at the very least, a very bad and unethical person? Using the criminal fraud and conspiracy convictions of “PharmaBro” Martin Shkreli and his lawyer, Evan Greebel, as the backdrop for the discussion, Zach provides practical guidance to lawyers should they ever find themselves representing a smart, arrogant, manipulative fraudster. Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 1.2, 1.6, 1.13, 1.16, 4.1 & 8.4

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63 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Supreme Court Secrecy - Shadow Dockets, Leaks and Cameras
You’ve probably heard of the Supreme Court’s “shadow docket,” but do you know how it can be used to affect the Court’s rulings? In the next installment of this popular series, Peter Afrasiabi reviews the origins and current usage of the “shadow docket,” including some proposed reforms to the practice. Peter also discusses the broader topic of transparency at the Court in light of the unprecedented leak of a draft opinion, the use of live audio feeds of oral arguments during COVID and other recent developments.

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60 minutes
AI and the Law: A Wild, Wild Ride Begins...
If you thought the rise of the Internet and services like Napster pushed the boundaries of the law, you ain’t seen nothing yet until you’ve seen artificial intelligence (“AI”). Experienced intellectual property lawyer Peter Afrasiabi provides an overview of AI.

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59 minutes
Class Actions Double Play: Avoiding Class Actions and Limiting Exposure with Effective Waivers
More than 5,000 class action lawsuits are filed each year in the state and federal courts in the United States, which means that thousands of lawyers just like you will face the unhappy task of dealing with a class action. Thankfully, there are steps we can take as lawyers to make sure our companies are not easy targets, and to deal effectively and efficiently with a class action lawsuit if and when one is filed. Is arbitration right for your company in agreements with its customers and employees? If it is, how do you craft an enforceable arbitration clause that includes a waiver of the right to assert claims on behalf of a class? This program tells you what you need to know -- and factors you must consider -- when thinking about including arbitration and class action waivers in your contracts.

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90 minutes
Social Media Triple Play: False Advertising Litigation, Companies Discovering Social Media and Copyright Takedowns, Shakedowns and the DMCA Safe Harbor
These days, manufacturers of nearly every consumer product under the sun are catching false advertising claims. If you make a consumer-facing product, the odds are, litigation like this is not a matter of if but when, which means, false advertising litigation is just another business risk to be managed, mitigated, and optimized. This program takes a closer look at the landscape, and offers some practical advice and key considerations for how a business might implement some systems to manage this risk. Social media can be a powerful tool for companies to help build relationships with their customers and employees. However, with the benefits of this tool come corresponding risks. If your company distributes content on-line, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act can be your best friend -- and your worst enemy -- often at the same time. This program gives you the advice you need to prosecute or defend on-line copyright infringement claims.

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59 minutes
Data Breach Double Play: Lessons from Data Breach War Stories and Responding to Healthcare Data Breaches
In this program, you'll learn the lessons of some data breach cases that can help you protect your company when facing a data breach. This program also provides timely, actionable advice that includes the 5 things you can start doing today to help prevent data breaches and better prepare your company to respond to them if they do occur, focusing on the healthcare space where data breaches can include disclosure of personal health information regulated by state and federal laws including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

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60 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Football Law
In the next installment of this popular series, Peter Afrasiabi asks a simple question: Are you ready for some football? For more than 150 years, the game of football has occupied a unique position in the United States in terms of the legal regime that governs teams and the leagues in which they play. Peter discusses the antitrust decisions and other key developments that have allowed American football to become the global powerhouse it is today.

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