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Ohio (OH) Data Protection CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Ohio (OH) Data Protection

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59 minutes
Trends in US Data Privacy Laws and Enforcement
Join this session as our privacy experts discuss recent additions to the US privacy law patchwork, changes on the horizon, and strategies for navigating widely varying state privacy laws.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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60 minutes
Trends in Global Data Privacy Laws and Enforcement
At least one-hundred and three countries have international data privacy laws, and the number of countries enacting laws continues to grow. Panelists will discuss how their organizations are navigating the growing number of laws, current enforcement trends, and how laws will continue to evolve.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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59 minutes
Operationalizing Data Privacy to Create Scalable, Repeatable, and Adaptable Programs that Reduce Risk
This session offers practical guidance on how to implement a data privacy governance strategy that offers scalable, repeatable, and adaptable tools and processes that protect privacy, reduce risk exposure, and increase transparency.

LWNY 2024

Available with Unlimited Subscription Only. Learn More
