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Tennessee (TN) E Discovery CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Tennessee (TN) E Discovery

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59 minutes
Navigating the Opportunities and Challenges of AI Embedded in Existing Tech Tools
The advancement and proliferation of AI being embedded to power legal solutions present multiple opportunities and challenges for lawyers and clients alike. This session will focus on the impact of AI-powered legal technology, how it's tipping the balance of AI resistance, and its impact on litigation.

LWNY 2024


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62 minutes
Data Discovery Case Law Update 2024
From robots performing legal research to texts, Teams, and Slack supplanting email in many e-discovery matters, 2023 has been another active year in data law. Join this session as industry experts discuss the most prominent discovery decisions dominating 2024, how they will impact the law going forward, and significant cases that are likely to hit the docket soon.

LWNY 2024


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59 minutes
Collaboration Tools: The Challenges and Opportunities Facing eDiscovery
The world of short message communication and collaboration is evolving more rapidly than ever before, and the e-discovery industry is faced with a challenge: what should we be focused on when it comes to short message data, and how do we search, review, and produce it? Join us for a discussion on these challenges and the opportunities to efficiently and effectively manage short message data. You will also learn about the best practices for searching short message communication, the role AI plays in analyzing short messages and what’s next on the horizon.

LWNY 2024


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60 minutes
The Evolving Landscape of AI in e-Discovery: Staying Ahead of the Curve
Every industry is looking for ways to integrate generative AI into their workflows to support workers, automate mundane tasks, reduce costs, and the legal industry is no different. When it comes to implementing and adopting new technology though, there’s going to be heightened scrutiny and particularly from an ethics, bias and privacy standpoint. Join this session as we share insights on how firms can think about adoption of new technology like LLMs, from forming a task force to piloting products.

LWNY 2024


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