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Texas (TX) Technology CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Texas (TX) Technology

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59 minutes
Tailoring Tech Solutions to Your Legal Department: Strategies for Success
Hear from our panel of thought leaders who have successfully implemented legal tech solutions in their companies as they discuss the best approaches to finding and customizing legal technology that fits your business needs, pivoting, and adapting effectively.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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58 minutes
ChatGPT: Resource or Liability? What Legal Leaders Need to Know
Generative AI has recently taken the legal world by storm and with its capabilities and sophistication advancing at a rapid pace, many are wondering how this powerful tool can be applied to the legal profession. While it promise to streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, develop new products, services and content, important legal considerations should be taken into account prior to using these tools. Join this session as our panel of experts explore how legal departments can utilize generative AI and ChatGPT, highlight the risks and develop strategies to implement such technology.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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87 minutes
The Zero Trust Approach: A Comprehensive Guide on Leveling Up Your Cybersecurity
Join this session as a panel of distinguished IT professionals provide a comprehensive discussion of the Zero Trust approach. Speakers will offer practical tips and strategies appropriate for businesses to manage security threats.

The Knowledge Group


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58 minutes
Transforming the Business & Practice of Law by Mastering the Art of People, Process & Technology
Most lawyers went to law school to practice law. Increasingly, however, lawyers need to wear multiple hats working across both the practice and business of law. Learn how technology has started to help legal teams break down the silos of information throughout the client matter lifecycle, from the business of law to the practice of law, and what skills lawyers of tomorrow will need to find success.



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60 minutes
Choose Your Own Adventure with Custom AI Models
Savvy legal technologists are not merely using AI, they are customizing and supercharging it to fit their needs. Learn from professionals at the cutting edge about how they are developing custom Ai models, the powerful use cases for those models, and how you can embrace your inner data scientist to build the Ai models you need (without having to learn lambda calculus).



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56 minutes
Why I Went All-in-on-AI and How You Can Too
Ai in legal and eDiscovery has seen a massive surge in adoption. Learn from top eDiscovery luminaries and how they drove adoption. Hear about their in-the-trenches experiences, the challenges they overcame, and how they measured success. Gather practical tips about how to bring Ai into your firm or in-house practice and how to extend the use of active learning to all (or almost all) matters.



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61 minutes
Demystifying Cyber Insurance
Join this session as our cyber insurance experts consider the current status of cyber insurance, delve into the process and the due diligence required before adopting a policy, and offer insights into the challenges you can face with your policy downstream.



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58 minutes
Surviving the App-ocolypse - eDiscovery in an Age of Atypical Data
Data has never been more intimidating: Slack attacks, Zoom booms, short format and continual messaging, and more apps that you can count. A tsunami of new and emerging data sources – ones that don’t work when handled as a traditional document – is crashing down on us. Learn how our panelists not just survive but thrive working with data like Slack, Teams, Zoom, WhatsApp, social media, and more.



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60 minutes
AI and the Law: A Wild, Wild Ride Begins...
If you thought the rise of the Internet and services like Napster pushed the boundaries of the law, you ain’t seen nothing yet until you’ve seen artificial intelligence (“AI”). Experienced intellectual property lawyer Peter Afrasiabi provides an overview of AI.

New Media Legal


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