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Washington (WA) Ethics CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Washington (WA) Ethics

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60 minutes
New Rules & New Realities: Ethically Managing Remote Work
The COVID - 19 pandemic forced many of us to work remotely from our home offices and living rooms and while we originally thought this may be a short-term option, many organizations seeing the greater productivity with this new work format and have decided to keep it up as a long term solution. However, remote work comes with its own set of challenges, and whether it is privacy or surveillance issues, many employers need to act now to remain ethically responsible.



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60 minutes
No More Eyes Wide Shut: Ethical Times Have Changed
Lawyers used to be able to get away with playing dumb. We could conveniently ignore the misdeeds of our clients…we could keep our eyes shut. Not any more. The ABA recently issued Opinion 491 which creates a responsibility to ask questions about our client’s bad deeds…and every lawyer needs to understand. (Rules 1.6, and 1.2 also covered)

Stuart Teicher


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64 minutes
Money Talks: Getting Retained and Paid (Ethically) by the Bankruptcy Estate
You work hard for the money, so let’s make sure you get it. This panel will discuss ethical considerations governing that all-important process: getting retained and paid by the bankruptcy estate. Aside from covering the basics of retention for young and new professionals, the panelists will address some of the myriad ethical issues governing retention and compensation that can arise, including connection disclosures, concurrent representations of insiders and expense reimbursement.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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