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61 minutes
Financial Implications of Cannabis-Related Businesses
As marijuana legalization grows, state-by-state, more and more financial considerations arise. Given the ever-evolving nature of the cannabis industry, it is important that any cannabis-related business or anyone supporting or financing a related business stay on top of the latest financial and tax implications of the industry.

The National Underwriter


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61 minutes
We Have a Privacy Policy in Place, Are We Compliant?
Privacy Policies and Privacy Programs are unique to each organization. Understanding your data privacy risk and where your data is located should be the starting point to creating a Privacy Policy and Privacy Program. Learn about your data privacy risk by using various assessments and techniques, including data mapping and data privacy assessments.



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75 minutes
Complex Confirmation Issues
This panel will focus on impairment, TransWest issues, third-party releases, horizontal gifting related to Noverra and more.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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60 minutes
No More Eyes Wide Shut: Ethical Times Have Changed
Lawyers used to be able to get away with playing dumb. We could conveniently ignore the misdeeds of our clients…we could keep our eyes shut. Not any more. The ABA recently issued Opinion 491 which creates a responsibility to ask questions about our client’s bad deeds…and every lawyer needs to understand. (Rules 1.6, and 1.2 also covered)

Stuart Teicher


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75 minutes
Stop Where You Are: A Bankruptcy Has Been Filed. But Don't Just Stand There!
Our expert faculty will update you on a potpourri of automatic stay and discharge injunction violation issues, including the latest guidance from the Supreme Court on action vs. inaction, the return of repossessed cars and the collection of discharged debt.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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60 minutes
Killer Correspondence for Lawyers!
One of the sharpest tools in the lawyer’s arsenal is a surprisingly common item. The letter. Whether it’s a demand letter, a note sent during negotiations, or a client communication, your success could be dependent on a piece of correspondence. Join the CLE Performer, Stuart Teicher as he explains how to write a variety of effective letter types.

Stuart Teicher


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63 minutes
Why Didn't Somebody Do Something? Part 2: Involuntary Civil Commitment
If a person can be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of a crime, then the criminal-justice system can(doesn’t mean it will) get that person off the streets, at least temporarily, but… What happens when such a person has served his/her sentence, yet we identify that person (hopefully correctly) as still dangerous?… Or, what if we identify a person (hopefully correctly) as dangerous, but that person has not been convicted of a crime? What can the mental-health “system” do? – i.e., what are the legal requirements for short-and long-term involuntary civil commitment?">If a person can be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of a crime, then the criminal-justice system can(doesn’t mean it will) get that person off the streets, at least temporarily, but… What happens when such a person has served his/her sentence, yet we identify that person (hopefully correctly) as still dangerous?… Or, what if we identify a person (hopefully correctly) as dangerous, but that person has not been convicted of a crime? What can the mental-health “system” do? – i.e., what are the legal requirements for short-and long-term involuntary civil commitment?

Dr. Brian Russell


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61 minutes
Why Didn't Somebody Do Something? Part 1: Violence Risk Assessment
In this session, Dr. Brian Russell will discuss how the Violence Risk Assessment is used to evaluate individuals for potential violence. He will provide real case examples to provide a clearer understanding how these tools work, where it failed and how it has improved since it's conception.

Dr. Brian Russell


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64 minutes
"I Am Not a Cat" Proceedings in a Virtual World
Besides becoming a pop-culture catchphrase, how has the shift to a virtual environment impacted proceedings over the last year, and what changes do you believe are here to stay? Our panel of experts will examine some of the greatest challenges, faux pas, and successes in virtual proceedings over the course of this transformative time.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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