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West Virginia CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For West Virginia

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77 minutes
LJN Webinar Series: The Crypto Landscape Post-FTX
This presentation will cover the current status and near future outlook for the blockchain sector (or "crypto" broadly) from a legal standpoint. Questions answered include: What went wrong? Is crypto dead and buried? What's in store next for the industry and regulatory landscape? What's the cybersecurity state of play in crypto?

Law Journal Newsletters


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57 minutes
Your Claim Has Gone to Court: Understanding What Happens & What to Expect
This presentation will discuss what steps to take when a claim for property damage has progressed into litigation. The presenters will discuss what to expect from start to finish in a litigated claim, focusing specifically on property damages claims and variations state to state. Presenters will share their observations and experiences from practice and jurisdiction, including FL, CA, and the Northeast, as well as the most common types of property claims arising in each area.

Property Casualty 360


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61 minutes
Corporate Rep Deposition Tips and Tricks
Preparing and presenting corporate witnesses for their trial testimony are two of the most important aspects of any trial. They can often be the difference between winning and losing the case. Corporate witness testimony can also substantially impact the value of juror awards. This panel discusses best practices that will help ensure the readiness of corporate witnesses for their trial testimony.

Property Casualty 360


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61 minutes
The Ethics of ChatGPT and Other AI
So you’ve heard of this ChatGPT thing? I guess that means we should talk about it. Of course, this program isn’t only about ChatGPT. To properly understand the ethics issues in that program, we actually have to go a little deeper. So in this program we’ll be talking about the different ethics issues that impact both ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (generally), and a few other new technologies that are relevant to the discussion of generative AI.

Stuart Teicher


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60 minutes
Stand Up CLE: The Magical World of Cybersecurity Ethics
We all know that CLE programs are boring and a chore to watch. But we’re breaking the rules – a CLE program that’s intentionally funny and (gasp) entertaining, yet somehow still informative. In this unique installment of this popular series, Mark Wooster is joined by Magician, Anthropologist, Cybersecurity Expert and Keynote Speaker Paul Draper. Drawing upon decades of experience working in cybersecurity consulting for Fortune 100 companies, Paul teaches you what you need to know about cybersecurity, privacy and data protection, all the while keeping you entertained with some awesome magic tricks. Mark connects the “what you need to know” with the “what you need to do” in order to fulfill your legal ethics obligations in the context of discussing some challenging hypotheticals arising from the use of technology in your law practice. Reserve your seat today and we’ll waive the two-drink minimum!

Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 1.1 & 1.6; New York Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1 & 1.6; California State Bar Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct, Formal Opinion No. 2020-203; New York State Bar Association, Committee on Professional Ethics, Formal Opinion 1240.

New Media Legal


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65 minutes
You Can't Always Get What You Want - Political Campaigns and Musical Performances - From Born in the USA to Rockin' in the Free World
In this fun and timely program, Peter Afrasiabi examines the colorful history of politicians using popular songs at campaign events and the legal disputes with musicians who opposed their works being used in this way. From such famous examples as President Reagan using Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” and former President Trump using Neil Young’s “Rockin’ in the Free World,” this program delivers a tour-de-force analysis of copyright, trademark and right of publicity law applied to musical compositions used to sell political campaigns.

New Media Legal


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64 minutes
Winning on Appeal: Briefing & Strategy Nuts and Bolts and Do's and Don'ts
Whether you’ve won or lost in the trial court, winning your case on appeal requires an entirely different approach in terms of your strategy and the mechanics of presenting your case to the appellate court. Pivoting successfully from trial court to appellate litigator can make the difference between losing and winning your appeal. Peter Afrasiabi, Co-Director of the Appellate Practice Clinic at the UC Irvine School of Law and the Appellate Practice Chair at One LLP, guides you through the strategic decisions you need to make and the practical steps you need to follow to file, brief, argue and win your next appeal.

New Media Legal


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68 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Sex, Videotapes, and Lies
In the next installment of this popular series, Peter Afrasiabi takes a fun look at what the Constitution – as well as the criminal and tort law – have to say about sex, including those who choose to record it or lie about it. This program includes an overview of laws regulating sexual behavior (e.g., adultery, incest, obscenity), voyeurism (e.g., pornography, revenge porn, peeping Tom laws) and lying about sex (e.g., right to lie, perjury).

New Media Legal


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65 minutes
IP Overview for the Non-IP Lawyer: A Copyright, Trademark, Patent & Trade Secret Survey
Peter Afrasiabi, an experienced intellectual property lawyer and litigator, gives a comprehensive overview of intellectual property rights and how the four key legal frameworks – copyright, trademark, patent and trade secrets – are relevant to all lawyers. At the end of the presentation, you’ll not only be able to spot intellectual property issues when they arise in your practice but have a good sense of how to deal with them, and also when you may want to bring in an expert to provide additional advice or assistance.

New Media Legal


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