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West Virginia CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For West Virginia

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72 minutes
Disparate Treatment of POC in the Bankruptcy Process
This session will also address research that has been conducted regarding biases and perceptions on race and bankruptcy, including decisions on filing and under what chapter to file, and what the bar and the judiciary can do to correct that disparate treatment.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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75 minutes
Stop Where You Are: A Bankruptcy Has Been Filed. But Don't Just Stand There!
Our expert faculty will update you on a potpourri of automatic stay and discharge injunction violation issues, including the latest guidance from the Supreme Court on action vs. inaction, the return of repossessed cars and the collection of discharged debt.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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74 minutes
Out-of-the-Ordinary Out-of-Court Restructuring Issues
This panel will discuss a potpourri of unique and interesting issues that present themselves in various out-of-court restructuring contexts. 

American Bankruptcy Institute


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99 minutes
Splits and Confounding Issues Destined for the Supreme Court
This session will highlight particularly interesting case law developments to date in 2021 and their impact on bankruptcy law and practice.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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60 minutes
Ethics: Know Before You Go
You’re leaving your firm, but what do you need to know before you go? This panel will discuss what to do and what not to do to make sure you meet your ethical obligations to your clients and your old firm, while avoiding problems for you and your new firm.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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60 minutes
The Increasing Use of Chapter 11 to Resolve Sexual Abuse Scandals
This panel will discuss issues that arise at the crossroads of sexual abuse claims and chapter 11, including the tension caused by using a financial reorganization tool to resolve highly emotional personal-injury claims, the stresses that cases of this ilk place on the Bankruptcy Code (including the uniqueness of claims bar dates in cases of this sort, nonprofit debtors and the absolute priority rule, and the propriety of third-party releases), and the use of mediation to globally resolve these cases.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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58 minutes
Subchapter V Recent Case Law Updates and Issues: Navigating the New Small Business Roadmap to Reorganization
Since the enactment of the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (H.R. 3311, “SBRA”), which took effect on Feb. 19, 2020, bankruptcy courts and practitioners have had opportunities to address a number of novel issues, interpreting and applying what are essentially brand-new Bankruptcy Code statutes. In this panel, we will discuss some of the key SBRA areas that bankruptcy courts across the U.S. are addressing, as well as the novel issues that practitioners are navigating.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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57 minutes
Emerging SPAC Trends and Other Creative Financing Structures
The panelists will discuss the recent reemergence of SPACs and will elaborate on the public policy and restructuring implications associated with them. This discussion of creative financing structures will focus on financing in a distressed environment, including three mini-case studies and emerging issues in litigation financing.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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61 minutes
What's a Creditor to Do? The Standing Doctrine in Bankruptcy Court
This panel will discuss the various standing doctrines that apply in federal and bankruptcy courts, including constitutional (Article III) standing, prudential standing, statutory standing (“party-in-interest” status) and derivative standing, and will cover issues that arise both in chapter 11 cases and the consumer arena.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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