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West Virginia CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For West Virginia

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58 minutes
Becoming Iron Man - Moving from Science Fiction to Reality with Legal AI
During this one-hour CLE presentation, you will learn how today's AI technology is perfect for repetitive tasks that require human intelligence, where an increase in productivity and decrease in errors and cost are the goals. Document review is an ideal candidate for the application of AI technology and its benefits.



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59 minutes
Navigating Regulatory Compliance Through Effective Data Protection and Governance Strategy
All it takes is one employee clicking on the wrong link in an email, and the hundreds of thousands of dollars you spend on your security infrastructure are useless. So to sit back and rely on your IT department with the expectation that nothing will ever go wrong is a risky proposition. Issues related to data privacy and cybersecurity are not limited to large organizations. In fact, depending on what reports you read, anywhere from 40% to 60% of cyber-attacks specifically target small to medium-sized businesses, and upwards of 70% of small businesses have experienced some form of cyberattack in the last year. The smaller the business, the fewer the resources it will typically have to spend on cybersecurity. If you think a good cybersecurity plan and infrastructure is too expensive, wait until you find out how much it costs not to have one.



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58 minutes
Reinventing the Model: Leveraging AI and Analytics to Detect Privilege
The old models to detect privilege have become outdated and ineffective. Over the last few years, the industry has been introduced to a myriad of technological advances in the field of AI and analytics that have dramatically increased efficiency and efficacy in the search for attorney-client information. Tune into this panel to learn first-hand how industry leaders are leveraging cutting-edge technology to rapidly identify privilege to reduce their overall spend and risk.



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60 minutes
WFH Cybersecurity Risk Management from a Legal, Business and IT Perspective
This CLE session is a highly relevant panel discussion on cybersecurity risk management in our new "Work From Anywhere" world in the COVID19 era. Speakers from leading law firms, managed review, hosting and cyber security companies, will discuss issues the legal community faces with remote workers. Topics include document review planning and staffing, project initiation, management, and quality control -- all with an eye on infosec and data loss prevention at a moment where most contract document review attorneys are working from home. With time for participation and Q&A, session attendees will take away several rich perspectives on cybersecurity and compliance issues facing legal teams engaged in remote review projects.



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58 minutes
How to Maximize the Efficiency of Your Legal Operations with Contract Management
There has never been a more important time to operationalize efficiencies and conserve cash across the enterprise. Automating contracting processes offers massive organizational value in the form of substantial savings and revenue preservation that can make all the difference in these unprecedented times. Join this panel for a one-hour session on the value you can unlock through automated contract lifecycle management.



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65 minutes
Remote Work Is Here to Stay: Are You Meeting Your Cybersecurity and Ethical Obligations?
This panel discusses these ethical obligations generally and provides advice on practical best practices for adapting and complying while working in a remote environment. The “new norm” extends the boundaries of the work environment, which lawyers and law firms will need to continue to assess, invest in and harden appropriately to protect data accordingly.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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63 minutes
Estopping the Madness: Personal-Injury Claims and Exemptions in Chapter 7 and 13 Cases
This panel discusses such personal-injury issues as mesh, malpractice and abuse cases in chapters 7 and 13. The discussion includes interviewing the client, appropriate disclosure of such claims, property of the estate, judicial estoppel, medical liens, federal and state exemptions, and settlements.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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54 minutes
Subchapter V: A Practical Look at the First 12 Months of the Small Business Reorganization Act
This panel provides a statistical overview of the cases filed in the first year under the SBRA, examines how subchapter V may provide a more attractive and viable chapter 11 option for specific debtors, and considers the legislation’s impact on various types of creditors. In addition, the panelists discuss the role, duties and compensation of subchapter V trustees as developed by the case law and practice, from the differing perspectives of a lawyer trustee and a financial consultant trustee.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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57 minutes
Avoiding the Dreaded B-Word: Alternatives to Bankruptcy
The panelists discuss in-court and out-of-court options for distressed businesses, as well as alternatives both pre- and post-COVID-19, drawing upon their experiences and what they see in the market going forward.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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