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West Virginia (WV) Business Law CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For West Virginia (WV) Business Law

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60 minutes
The Inside Track: Hearing from the Regulators on Key Issues
In an increasingly regulated business landscape, it is crucial for organizations to be prepared when regulators come knocking at their doors. Step into the regulatory realm as this session will provide an exclusive glimpse into the evolving landscape of legal compliance and unique insights directly from the source. Our distinguished panel of regulators will explore the priorities, trends, and expectations shaping regulatory frameworks for 2024 and beyond.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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59 minutes
Operating in the Gray: Balancing Risk Tolerance with Business Objectives
Risk tolerance varies widely among organizations based on many factors, including the organization's overall business goals, the relative risk sensitivity of business leaders, and the nature of its assets, resources, and operational processes they support. As risks lie largely outside of a company's control and business priorities can often shift, in-house legal teams play a key role in anticipating and mitigating the impact of major risks. Join this panel of experts as they discuss the importance of being proactive vs. reactive when it comes to balancing risk appetite with business decisions and how to communicate with relevant decision-makers in your organization in order to best mitigate risks should they occur.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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60 minutes
Balancing Business Value and Risk in a Resource-Constrained Environment
The uncertainty of today’s economic climate continues to have a massive impact on businesses. The resulting budgetary restraints on organizations will ultimately affect not only the bottom line of businesses but also their growth potential. Join this session as our in-house leaders share insights into how to prepare for and support a company through economic uncertainty, provide practical advice on how to approach cost cuts and inflation, and discuss how to maintain resilience as an organization in order to project forward.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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57 minutes
Cannabis Unleashed: Unveiling Legal and Business Fundamentals
Join Karl P. Frederic of Windels Marx and Whitney Hodges of Sheppard Mullin in this CLE webcast as they unveil the essential legal and business fundamentals crucial for success in this rapidly expanding industry.

The Knowledge Group


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60 minutes
More than a Reporting Obligation: Generating a ROI from ESG Initiatives
This session goes beyond the surface of ESG reporting obligations, providing in-house counsel with actionable insights on how to turn ESG commitments into a value-driven Return on Investment (ROI). Join our expert panelists for an enlightening exploration of the legal dimensions and business advantages of a purpose-driven approach to ESG.

General Counsel Conference


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56 minutes
Unveiling the Art of Effective Internal Investigations
Join us as Michael D. Farber and William Taylor, distinguished experts in the field, lead an in-depth discussion on effective internal investigations. Speakers will analyze best practices for conducting investigations, delve into the legal considerations surrounding internal inquiries, and examine the role of emerging technologies in enhancing investigative processes.

The Knowledge Group


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59 minutes
Future Proofing Your Organization to Minimize the Impact of Your Next Crisis
This panel will focus on strategies leaders should implement to help their teams get ahead of a crisis, minimize its impact and avoid it as much as possible overall. While you can't always predict what's coming around the corner for your organization, you will walk away from this session with tools that help leaders shift to rewarding efforts in preparing for and minimizing future crises.

General Counsel Conference


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60 minutes
Operating in the Gray: Balancing Risk Tolerance with Business Objectives
Join this panel of experts as they discuss the importance of being proactive vs. reactive when it comes to balancing risk appetite with business decisions. Leave this session with a better understanding of how to identify the impact of different types of risks that may face your business.

General Counsel Conference


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48 minutes
How to Handle a True Corporate Crisis or Major Internal Investigation
It is critical for companies to handle internal investigations diligently, ensuring they're independent and cooperative. Expert panelists recommend communicating openly with the SEC and how to find the right balance when being transparent with findings.

Securities Docket


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