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West Virginia (WV) Ethics CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For West Virginia (WV) Ethics

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65 minutes
Hack My MBA for Lawyers: Business Ethics vs. Legal Ethics
In this third program in the series, Zach McGee explores the topic of business ethics versus legal ethics to help you answer two key questions: what are your business clients taught about ethics, and how can you, as their lawyer, help them make ethical business decisions? Zach uses notorious scandals at Theranos, Volkswagen and Turing Pharmaceuticals to illustrate how real-world institutional and competitive pressures can lead some business leaders to follow unethical business practices. Rules covered include: ABA Model Rule 2.1; ABA Model Rule 4.1; and Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code Section 6068.

New Media Legal


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62 minutes
Legal Ethics Double Play: Five Ethical Traps in Defending Class Actions and Ethical Issues in Multijurisdictional Practice
In this installment of our Double Play series, our two, thirty-minute programs cover five ethical traps in defending class actions and ethical issues in multijurisdictional practice. Can your company offer customers a discount on future purchases in exchange for a waiver of claims after a class has been certified? Can you ethically obtain declarations from putative class members to help oppose class certification? This program considers these and other important ethical issues that often arise in class actions. How well do you know the rules that govern your ability to perform legal services in a state where you are not licensed or the sanctions for violating them? This program gives you the guidance you need to avoid engaging in the unauthorized practice of law.

New Media Legal


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66 minutes
Stand Up CLE: A “Bridge” Too Far and Other Questionable Ethics by Lawyers in TV and Movies
We all know that CLE programs are boring and a chore to watch. But we’re breaking the rules – a CLE program that’s intentionally funny and (gasp) entertaining, yet somehow still informative. In the latest installment of this popular series, actor, writer, producer and recovering lawyer, Mark Wooster, presents a humorous take on what lawyers should not do in the service of their clients. Using clips from some recent television shows and a recent feature film, Mark will illustrate the ethics rules that apply to lawyers who can’t seem to behave themselves like ethical human beings much less ethical lawyers. Reserve your seat today and we’ll waive the two-drink minimum!

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
Stand Up CLE: Don't Try This at the Office
We all know that CLE programs are boring and a chore to watch. But we’re breaking the rules – a CLE program that’s intentionally funny and (gasp) entertaining, yet somehow still informative. Actor, writer, producer and recovering lawyer, Mark Wooster, presents a humorous take on what lawyers should – and should not – do in the service of their clients. Using clips from some famous films and television shows about lawyers as well as some real-world examples of lawyers and judges gone “rogue,” Mark will illustrate the ethics rules that apply to lawyers who get caught in unusual and embarrassing situations. Reserve your seat today and we’ll waive the two-drink minimum!

New Media Legal


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67 minutes
Will You Be My Valentine? Dating and Romantic Relationships in the Legal Workplace
They say that love is blind, but it is also unethical? Recently, many states have enacted legal ethics rules that expressly prohibit dating a client, while in others, lawyers remain free to date a client unless the romantic relationship adversely affects the lawyer’s representation of the client. In this topical and engaging program, Andrew Struve examines the legal, ethical and practical implications when lawyers choose to date clients and other lawyers.

New Media Legal


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91 minutes
Stand Up CLE: Even More Totally Unethical Conduct by Lawyers in Classic 80's TV Series
We all know that CLE programs are boring and a chore to watch. But we’re breaking the rules – a CLE program that’s intentionally funny and (gasp) entertaining, yet somehow still informative. In the latest installment of this popular series, actor, writer, producer and recovering lawyer, Mark Wooster, jumps back into the DeLorean he turned into a time machine and sets the dial back 30 years to expose even more “totally unethical” conduct by lawyers in classic 80’s TV series. Reserve your seat today and we’ll waive the two-drink minimum!

New Media Legal


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52 minutes
Legal Ethics Double Play: Managing Privilege in Patent Litigation and How to Behave Ethically in Front of Your Judge
As the recipient of a letter that a patent you've never heard of "may be of interest to your company," what steps do you as in-house counsel need to take to ensure a proper response? This program gives you the guidance and specific strategies you'll need to decide when to act, what to do in response, and how to conduct your internal and external investigation.

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
Siri and Alexa Are Out to Get You
Stuart Teicher, Esq., doesn’t call them “virtual assistants”,  he calls them “virtual career killers.” That’s because the use of these devices are fraught with serious ethics issues. Join the CLE Performer Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he explores the never-ending problems with virtual assistants and related technologies. Rule 1.1 and Rule 1.6 discussed.

Stuart Teicher


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60 minutes
The Danger of Digital Signatures (and Other Issues in Tech)
E-signatures have become a part of the practice, but there are ethical concerns with that. Join the CLE Performer Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he talks about digital signatures and a few other new ethics issues with technology.

Stuart Teicher


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