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Unveiling the Art of Effective Internal Investigations

Level: Intermediate
Runtime: 56 minutes
Recorded Date: March 12, 2024
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  • The Evolving Definition of “Cooperation” with Authorities
  • Corporate “Bring Your Own Device” Policies
  • Conducting a Forensic Search for Relevant Documents and Data
  • Conducting Interviews in the Post-COVID Years
  • Remediation
  • Key Points

For NY - Difficulty Level: Both newly admitted and experienced attorneys


In today’s dynamic business environment, the landscape of corporate governance is continually shaped by an increasing emphasis on transparency, compliance, and ethical conduct. One critical aspect that underscores these principles is the art of internal investigations. Internal investigations serve as a pivotal tool for organizations to meticulously examine and address potential misconduct, legal violations, or other irregularities within their operations. By conducting thorough and impartial inquiries, companies not only uphold their commitment to integrity but also mitigate legal risks, safeguard their reputation, and foster a culture of accountability. As we navigate this intricate terrain, understanding the nuances of effective internal investigations becomes paramount to ensuring organizational resilience and ethical governance.

Join us as Michael D. Farber (Van Ness Feldman LLP) and William Taylor (iDiscovery Solutions, Inc.), distinguished experts in the field, lead an in-depth discussion on effective internal investigations. Speakers will analyze best practices for conducting investigations, delve into the legal considerations surrounding internal inquiries, and examine the role of emerging technologies in enhancing investigative processes. Furthermore, they will discuss the crucial elements of a well-executed internal investigation, from initial fact-finding to the implementation of corrective measures.

The key issues that will be covered in this webcast include:
  • Best Practices for Conducting Internal Investigations
  • Legal Considerations and Compliance Issues
  • Role of Technology in Enhancing Investigations
  • Crucial Elements of a Well-Executed Investigation

Provided By

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Michael D. Farber

Van Ness Feldman LLP

Mike Farber brings 20 years of experience to his practice at Van Ness Feldman where he leads internal investigations, provides strategic advice, and conducts compliance reviews for companies in energy and other sectors. Drawing upon his experience both in private practice and at the U.S. Department of Justice, Mike represents clients in federal and state antitrust investigations, complex litigation, and intricate compliance matters. Mike also provides strategic advice and counsel on national security matters related to incident response and the protection of environmental and energy infrastructure from cyber and physical threats.
Prior to joining the firm, Mike served as the Senior Advisor to the Director of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) at the U.S. Department of the Interior, where he spent six years leading a number of initiatives reforming U.S. government oversight of offshore oil and gas operations. During his tenure at BSEE, spanning the initial five years of the agency’s existence, Mike led or was involved in all significant BSEE enforcement and investigative matters.
Mike serves as a member of the firm’s Executive Committee, co-coordinator of the firm’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and formerly served as co-coordinator of the firm’s Litigation and Investigations Practice.

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William Taylor

Director, Investigations
iDiscovery Solutions, Inc.

Bill Taylor serves as Director of the Special Investigations Unit and chief of the Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) service line for iDiscovery Solutions, Inc., headquartered in Washington, D.C. Bill is a former state and federal prosecutor and civil litigator. His second career, as a digital forensics and data security/privacy consultant, began during his days investigating and prosecuting Russian and East European organized crime. His specialty is consulting with counsel on electronic evidence in corporate internal investigations. He is an honors graduate of the U.S. Department of Defense Language Institute, the University of Colorado, and Columbia University Law School.

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