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Build a Customized Arizona CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Arizona Bundle contains fifteen (15) credit hours and allows you to select the courses you take from our Arizona course catalog including your required three (3) credit hours in ethics.

The Arizona State Bar allows attorneys to take all fifteen (15) CLE hours online (interactive credits), including the three (3) required hours of Ethics.

The State Bar of Arizona does not approve or accredit CLE activities for the MCLE requirement. This activity may qualify for up to fifteen (15) hours toward your annual CLE requirement for the State Bar of Arizona, including three (3) hours of Ethics.

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions and instructions on how to access your CLE.

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


859 Courses
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60 minutes
Business Minded Conflict Resolution
For today’s GCs, affecting decision making at the beginning of the process is vital in becoming an influential member of the C Suite. Shattering legal department stereotypes and escaping the dreaded “department of no” title should be of utmost importance to the modern day legal leader. This session will provide techniques for conflict resolution that move beyond the standard and catapult you into the role of strategic partner.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Interactive

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61 minutes
Strategies for Being (or Avoiding Being) a Corporate Litigant
In this seminar, the panel will provide strategies for both avoiding and being involved in corporate litigation.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Interactive

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56 minutes
How to Build Out Your Growing Legal Department with DEI in Mind
A continuous challenge for law departments is cultivating new talent that is diverse in background, gender and race. It is imperative during this time of a great societal awakening, that we as legal leaders seize the unique opportunity in front of us to develop truly diverse pipelines, drawing new talent from untapped resources, and growing the future of diverse and inclusive legal teams.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Interactive Ethics

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60 minutes
Legal Technology in The New Normal
As we settle into a post-pandemic world, there is no better time to take inventory on what tools are bettering our overall work performance and making legal’s day-to-day responsibilities easier and more efficient. Our tech-savvy experts will discuss which technologies are here to stay as we embark on the new normal.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Interactive

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63 minutes
Litigation Management: Managing Your Outside Resources and Costs
One of the greatest challenges for today’s litigators is running disputes as timely and efficiently as possible. Speakers in this session will pinpoint exactly which resources are needed, how much time and effort is required, and how to manage costs when dealing with outside vendors.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Interactive

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62 minutes
How to be an Effective Leader in a Virtual World
As we see a sharp drop in employee satisfaction numbers for the remote workforce, leaders are being tasked with the complex mission of addressing employee wellness from states, and sometimes countries, away. We know one thing for certain, the global workforce is here to stay, so as we adjust to a new normal, it is imperative that we develop the skills needed to be an effective leader in a remote world.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Interactive

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64 minutes
Legal's Role in the C-Suite: Driving Innovation Through Change Management
The key to impactful change is affecting decision making from the top down. Legal’s role in senior leadership is critical to overall business function and organizational success. This session will tackle some of the common roadblocks in becoming a strategic partner to your C Suite, overcoming misconceptions of the legal department, and mastering the art of strategic leadership.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Interactive

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62 minutes
The Legality of Facial Recognition & Implications in Racial Bias
Facial recognition is used by law enforcement surveillance, airport passenger screening, and employment and housing decisions. Despite widespread adoption, face recognition was recently banned for use by police and local agencies in several cities, including large cities after whistleblowers uncovered inherent bias within these algorithms. Our experts in this fascinating session will discuss the implications of this embedded bias, how they uncovered it, and the ethics behind the use of this technology.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Interactive Ethics