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Build a Customized California CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The California Bundle contains twenty-five (25) credit hours and allows you to select the courses you take from our California course catalog including the required four (4) hours in Ethics, two (2) hours in Elimination of Bias, and one (1) hour in Competence Issues. 

Bundle Update: Starting January 1, 2022, California attorneys will be required to complete two (2) hours of Elimination of Bias CLE. The total credits required remains the same.

The State Bar of California allows attorneys to twenty-five (25) required MCLE hours online, including the required four (4) hours in Ethics, two (2) hours in Elimination of Bias, and one (1) hour in Competence Issues.

After purchase, you can add programs to your bundle to begin receiving credit. You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs. 

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


848 Courses
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58 minutes
Cracking the Code: Innovative Approaches to Hiring and Retaining Top Talent
The talent culture in the legal industry continues to change drastically, with a new generation of employees that have different priorities than historically seen. This session will focus on gaining a better understanding of the reasons people may be leaving the legal profession, what's missing for this new generation of legal leaders and how to guide the professional trajectory for each individual on your team. Join this session as our experts consider the current trends affecting talent in the legal industry, explore strategies to ensure your organization is appealing to potential candidates, and offer solutions to help successfully retain talent in this modern work environment.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - General Participatory

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64 minutes
Unlocking Potential: Creating AI Use Cases in Legal Practice with Innovation, Testing, and Ethical Frameworks
With a focus on how AI relates to Comment 8, Model Rule 1.1 of the ABA's Model Professional Rules of Conduct, the program will address how understanding technology is no longer optional, but rather a "...requisite knowledge and skill" to the practice of law. The program will help attorneys stay current on and evaluate "...the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology" while applying it to real world legal practice. , engage in continuing study and education and comply with all continuing legal education requirements to which the lawyer is subject.

American Inns of Court

1 - Ethics

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64 minutes
Legal Ethics: When Does Remote Work Constitute the Unauthorized Practice of Law?
In the latest program in this popular series, Zach McGee gives you the guidance you need to continue working remotely without running the risk of engaging in the unauthorized practice of law and suffering the reputational, financial, legal, and ethical consequences that would flow from such a determination.

New Media Legal

1 - Ethics

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64 minutes
Stand Up CLE: Sex, Lies, Incompetence and Film
In the latest installment of this popular series, Mark Wooster pokes fun at some lawyers who engaged in sex, lies, and incompetence and reviews the legal ethics rules that got them disbarred.

New Media Legal

1 - Ethics

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60 minutes
Legal Ethics: Multijurisdictional Practice While Avoiding the Unauthorized Practice of Law
How well do you know the rules that govern your ability to perform legal services for a client located in a state where you are not licensed or the sanctions for violating them? In the latest program in this popular series, Zach McGee gives you the guidance you need to avoid engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, including the rules that govern lawyers who engage in remote or hybrid work. Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 5.5 & 8.5; California Rules of Court 9.45-9.48; and New York Rules of Court 522-523.

New Media Legal

1 - Ethics

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60 minutes
Balancing Business Value and Risk in a Resource-Constrained Environment
The uncertainty of today’s economic climate continues to have a massive impact on businesses. The resulting budgetary restraints on organizations will ultimately affect not only the bottom line of businesses but also their growth potential. Join this session as our in-house leaders share insights into how to prepare for and support a company through economic uncertainty, provide practical advice on how to approach cost cuts and inflation, and discuss how to maintain resilience as an organization in order to project forward.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - General Participatory

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61 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Social Media Law - YouTube, Instagram and More
In this fun and interesting program, explore social media and how the law regulates the social media sites. This program explores the two major pillars of immunity form the 1990’s that facilitated social media growth, the immunity from state tort liability for defamation and state torts, and the copyright immunity for infringement on their sites.

New Media Legal

1 - General Participatory

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60 minutes
Who Judges our Judges?
Peter Afrasiabi takes you on a fun, interesting journey through the fascinating history of federal judicial ethics rules and the cases that have led to judges judging judges in often light and inconsistent ways.

New Media Legal

1 - Ethics