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Build a Customized California CLE Compliance Mini Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The California Mini Bundle contains fourteen (14) MCLE credits and allows you to select the courses you want to take from the California course catalog. With this bundle you can select up to sixteen (16) of the twenty-five (25) MCLE hours required by the California State Bar for your MCLE compliance including four (4) hours in Ethics, two (2) hours in Elimination of Bias, and one (1) hour in Competence Issues. All of our programs are participatory for California. 

Bundle Update: Starting January 1, 2022, California attorneys will be required to complete two (2) hours of Elimination of Bias CLE. The total credits required remains the same.

The State Bar of California allows attorneys to take all twenty-five (25) required MCLE hours online, including the four (4) hours in Ethics, two (2) hours in Elmination of Bias, and one (1) hour in Competence Issues.

After purchase, you can add programs to your bundle to begin receiving credit. You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

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848 Courses
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60 minutes
Pay Transparency & Breaking Down the Barriers of Gender Pay Gaps
Despite making strides to improve the workforce landscape for women, companies continue to show hesitancy surrounding conversations about pay transparency and the imbalance between genders. Join this lively discussion to discover solutions to help navigate these gaps, better understand transparency legislation and discuss what steps need to be taken in order to see real change in the push for equity and inclusivity.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - General Participatory

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59 minutes
Tailoring Tech Solutions to Your Legal Department: Strategies for Success
Hear from our panel of thought leaders who have successfully implemented legal tech solutions in their companies as they discuss the best approaches to finding and customizing legal technology that fits your business needs, pivoting, and adapting effectively.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - Technology in the Practice of Law

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66 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Travel Law
In the latest installment of “The Curious Lawyer” series, Peter Afrasiabi considers some fundamental questions about travel such as: Do you have a constitutional right to travel and can that right be suspended in emergencies? Why does the TSA have the right to search you and your luggage when you board a flight without a warrant or even probable cause? In this entertaining and informative program, Peter takes you on a world tour of the law as it relates to travel.

New Media Legal

1 - General Participatory

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63 minutes
Famous or Just Almost Famous? Trademark and Dilution Law
When is a trademark famous enough to receive heightened protection under federal law, including protection from being diluted by other similar marks? Peter Afrasiabi discusses the key contours of trademark law and trademark dilution claims in the context of litigation over famous marks including Jack Daniels, Porsche, Victoria’s Secret, Sony, Spotify and Pinterest.

New Media Legal

1 - General Participatory

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60 minutes
Design Patents
What is the difference between a design patent and a utility patent and which receives more protection under federal law? Peter Afrasiabi answers this question while explaining the key aspects of patent law, common defenses to patent claims including functionality, obviousness, invalidity/prior art and potential damages in the context of famous patent cases involving Apple, LA Gear, Crocs, Nike and Columbia Sportswear. Peter also shares valuable practice pointers for lawyers grappling with patent issues and claims.

New Media Legal

1 - General Participatory

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117 minutes
Class Action Litigation: Demystifying Trends, Developments, and Best Defense Strategies
The rising competition among several industries including the healthcare and digital platforms has continuously challenged economic fairness and posed compliance hurdles for practitioners specifically under the Sherman Act. Join a panel of key distinguished professionals as they provide a comprehensive discussion of the recent enforcement trends and legislative developments surrounding class action litigation. Speakers will also offer practical tips and strategies in this rapidly evolving legal climate.

The Knowledge Group

2 - General Participatory

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57 minutes
IP Rights Enforcement and Technology Implications: Key Considerations and Best Compliance Practices Explored
Join this program for an in-depth analysis of IP rights enforcement amidst the current technological revolution. Speakers will discuss the various challenges brought by these developments and will offer helpful tips to strengthen one’s protection and compliance strategies in this evolving legal climate.

The Knowledge Group

1 - General Participatory

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118 minutes
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Legal World: Key Strategies to Address Equity Challenges
Listen as a panel of distinguished professionals provide the audience with a comprehensive discussion of the recent trends and developments surrounding DEI practices in the legal industry. Speakers, among other things, will offer practical strategies to address the challenges and issues in promoting equity in the legal profession.

The Knowledge Group

2 - Elimination of Bias