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Build a Customized Connecticut CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Connecticut Bundle contains twelve (12) credit hours and allows you to select the courses you take from our Connecticut course catalog including the two (2) hours required in Ethics/Professionalism. 

As of January 1, 2017, Connecticut attorneys will be required to complete twelve (12) CLE credits including two (2) in Ethics every year. 

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions and instructions on how to access your CLE.

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


846 Courses
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58 minutes
Innovation Culture Wars
In this revealing session, our expert panelists will share their varied experiences and perspectives on how to overcome some of the institutionalized norms and attitudes that make innovation a challenging (albeit gratifying) endeavor.


1 - Self-Study

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58 minutes
Mitigating the Discovery Risks for the Hybrid Workforce
2020 fundamentally changed the way that businesses get work done. Everyone is now fully digitized, and dependent on Zoom, Microsoft, Slack, and mobile apps to engage with others and collaborate internally. This will have a profound impact on eDiscovery as we move toward a work-from-anywhere future. Join our panel as they discuss the implications, and share best practices to prepare for the future of work.


1 - Self-Study

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61 minutes
Cost Center to Value Center: Managing Your Contracts as Assets - With an Eye on Risk & Compliance
With companies’ obligations, risk - and value - defined by their agreements nowadays, contracts should be treated as their most vital business assets. That is why in-house legal departments need deeper insight into every agreement - to manage their risk profile and make better business decisions.


1 - Self-Study

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59 minutes
Change Management: Steps to Successfully Adopting AI, RPA, and Emerging Technologies in Your Law Firm
If you are looking to implement new technologies and want to understand the steps to make the change, join this discussion and learn from award-winning legal technology experts and immigration attorneys who have a track record in creating and embedding these technologies into law firm processes.


1 - Self-Study

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60 minutes
Understanding the New Data Set: Implications of Slack, Teams and Other Conversation Platforms for Legal, Compliance and Governance Terms
The volume of conversations on platforms like Slack and Teams has grown exponentially in the past year, as employees look for ways to connect and work more efficiently. However, compared to email, this conversation data is largely nuanced and unstructured—making discovery and governance a challenge.

In this session, the panel will discuss why this data set is drastically different and explore considerations.


1 - Self-Study

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59 minutes
Transforming Legal Billing Department with Digital Payment Platforms
Payment collections are a complex, time-consuming, and costly burden for law firms. Clients may pay late; or use paper checks, lockboxes, and bank trips that can create sluggish cash flow bottlenecks. Your staff may even spend endless hours on reconciling accounts and following up on delinquent invoices. Digital payment platforms resolve many of the above-referenced pain points associated with the collections process.


1 - Self-Study

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58 minutes
Lawyer Mental Health Matters: Making Work Life Balance a Reality
As the lines have gone from blurry to nonexistent, lawyers and legal teams everywhere are struggling with when to ‘end’ the workday before a new one begins. An already long overdue concern for lawyers, finding appropriate work/life balance amid a global pandemic requires legal teams to think more creatively about how they are helping lawyers reduce stress and maintain a sustainable pace that will not lead to fatigue, burn out, or more serious mental health concerns. Thanks to the recent pandemic however, a silver lining has emerged: there is a new light and focus on what firms can do to boost morale, keep mental health front-and-center, and make work/life balance a reality, instead of a hopeful, yet distant dream.


1 - Ethics/Professionalism

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56 minutes
Matching Evolving Business Challenges with The New Age of Legal Operations Technology
Join our distinguished panelists from corporate legal departments, legal technology providers, and law firms as we examine several interesting ELM case studies to illustrate its criticality to Legal Ops.


1 - Self-Study