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Build a Customized Connecticut CLE Compliance Mini Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Connecticut Mini Bundle contains six (6) credit hours and allows you to select the courses you take from our CT course catalog including your two (2) required hours in Ethics/Professionlaism.

As of January 1, 2017, Connecticut attorneys will be required to complete twelve (12) CLE credits including two (2) in Ethics every year. 

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs. 

click here for answers to frequently asked questions and instructions on how to access

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


850 Courses
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60 minutes
Data Governance Unlocked: Finding Robust Solutions for Effective Data Management
In this session, we will dive deep into the complexities of data governance, addressing the unique challenges faced by in-house legal teams and offering practical solutions to harness the power of data effectively and securely.

General Counsel Conference

1 - General

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60 minutes
Global Labor & Employment Environment: Discovering the Perfect Roadmap for Multijurisdictional Companies
In this dynamic session, our expert panelists will explore the intricacies of the global labor and employment landscape and provide invaluable insights for in-house legal professionals navigating these complexities.

General Counsel Conference

1 - Self-Study

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46 minutes
Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health: Striking the Balance of Wellness and Success
Panelists will share insights on how to recognize and address mental health challenges, both in themselves and within their teams, with the aim of fostering a more supportive and empathetic legal community.

General Counsel Conference

0.75 - General

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63 minutes
Anticipating The Changing Terrain: Exploring 2024 M&A Trends
Join this panel of industry experts as they discuss a range of topics, including the impact of global events and economic conditions on M&A activity, emerging regulatory trends, and the role of technology in shaping deal-making strategies.

General Counsel Conference

1 - General

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59 minutes
Future Proofing Your Organization to Minimize the Impact of Your Next Crisis
This panel will focus on strategies leaders should implement to help their teams get ahead of a crisis, minimize its impact and avoid it as much as possible overall. While you can't always predict what's coming around the corner for your organization, you will walk away from this session with tools that help leaders shift to rewarding efforts in preparing for and minimizing future crises.

General Counsel Conference

1 - General

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61 minutes
Armed and Ready: Strengthening Your Defense Against the Next Wave of Third-Party Cybersecurity Threats
In this session, our expert speakers will discuss the key plans they’ve introduced to their suppliers to ensure the appropriate levels of cybersecurity and protection are maintained and the correct monitoring protections are in place to identify vulnerabilities quickly and early.

General Counsel Conference

1 - General

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60 minutes
Operating in the Gray: Balancing Risk Tolerance with Business Objectives
Join this panel of experts as they discuss the importance of being proactive vs. reactive when it comes to balancing risk appetite with business decisions. Leave this session with a better understanding of how to identify the impact of different types of risks that may face your business.

General Counsel Conference

1 - General

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60 minutes
Labor & Employment Disputes: How to Effectively Mitigate Litigation Risks
Join as our expert speakers share insights on taking preventative measures including creating robust policies and procedures, identifying potential issues before they escalate, and effectively managing communications and documentation.

General Counsel Conference

1 - General