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Build a Customized Florida CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Florida State Bar allows attorneys to take twenty-eight (28) CLE hours online, including the three (3) of the five required hours in Ethics and three (3) required hours in Technology. As part of the five hours attorneys must now take a free two (2) hour Legal Professionalism course provided by the Florida Bar every three years

With the Florida Bundle (Build Your Bundle) you can complete up to twenty-eight (28) CLE hours allowed online by the Florida State Bar, including the three (3) of the five required hours in Ethics and three (3) required hours in Technology for only $279. All programs are approved by the Florida State Bar.

Starting in 2024, FL Bar members are required to complete a two (2) hour legal professionalism course produced by the Florida Bar.

After purchase, you can add programs to your bundle to begin receiving credit. 

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


95 Courses
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60 minutes
Contract Automation Update: Identifying Best Practices & Providing a Roadmap to Success
There are many factors that go into building a successful contract automation roadmap and implementation. Importantly, It’s crucial to understand which areas of contract automation can actually work with your business and which can’t before creating unrealistic expectations of success. Join this session as our experts showcase the latest tools in contract automation, highlight the key components of a contract automation roadmap and offer insights into best practices to avoid future pitfalls.


1 - General

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60 minutes
Good for the Goose, But Not the Gander: Judicial Ethics Hypocrisy in the Supreme Court and Federal Courts
This program will help you navigate the shifting sands of the judicial ethics and disclosure regimes as they apply to the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts and offers some predictions about potential future reforms by the Court and Congress.

New Media Legal

1 - Ethics

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62 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Bill of Rights - The Fourth Amendment
Does the Fourth Amendment - which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures - bar law enforcement agencies from using online search histories, text messages, thermal tracking, GPS data or cellular phone pings to find and prosecute individuals? In the latest installment of “The Curious Lawyer” series, Peter Afrasiabi takes a deep dive into each of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights, reminding us what each amendment protects and illustrating its impact on the other constitutional protections we enjoy. Whether you are a budding constitutional scholar or simply looking for interesting facts to share at a cocktail party, the Bill of Rights series is for you.

New Media Legal

1 - General

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69 minutes
15 Ways to Win Your Patent Case... And 10 Ways to Lose It
With a nod to Simon & Garfunkel, veteran patent litigator William O’Brien takes you through 15 ways to win – and 10 ways to lose - your patent case. Drawing upon decades of experience representing both patent plaintiffs and defendants in federal district courts, the Federal Circuit, the International Trade Commission, and, more recently, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, this program guides you through the critical issues you must consider at every stage to ensure that you obtain the best outcome for your company or your clients whenever important patents are in dispute.

New Media Legal

1.5 - General

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59 minutes
Proactive Perspectives: Navigating the Challenges of Alternate Data Types in eDiscovery
Okta's 2023 Businesses at Work report reveals that companies with 2,000 employees now deploy an average of 211 apps, marking a 24-app increase from last year. Even smaller companies tend to use over 90 apps. While not all of these apps will contain relevant information for eDiscovery, they do point to a growing concern for in-house teams, law firms, and service providers: how to handle the ever-increasing amount of content, collaboration, and chat data. Legal teams must adapt to this trend and learn the best practices for managing the systems powering their business, whether it's emoji-laden messages in Slack or Teams, Confluence wiki pages, or Zoom meeting recordings.


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61 minutes
Legalweek: Case Law Update 2023
Join this session as our experts outline the most prominent cases dominating 2023, how they will impact the law going forward and big cases that are likely to hit the docket soon.


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57 minutes
Tackling Legal Research and the Abyss of Information
Attorneys must wrangle endless amounts of resources during fact-specific litigation research, forcing them to piece together data across multiple websites and products. From finding the proper terminology to combing through a myriad of resources in disparate systems, the process can be time-consuming and inefficient. Using the correct technologies can help users minimize where they search for data and find the specific materials that address their case's topics, facts, and issues more quickly and precisely. This session will focus on empowering litigation professionals to feel confident in their research strategies and best practices for getting fast, intuitive, and actionable insights.


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61 minutes
Demystifying Cyber Insurance
Join this session as our cyber insurance experts consider the current status of cyber insurance, delve into the process and the due diligence required before adopting a policy, and offer insights into the challenges you can face with your policy downstream.


1 - General