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Build a Customized Florida CLE Compliance Mini Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Florida State Bar allows attorneys to take twenty-eight (28) hours online, including the three (3) of the five required hours in Ethics and three (3) hours in Technology every three years.

With this bundle, you can complete fourteen hours of CLE including three (3) hours in Ethics hours plus three (3) in Technology for only $219. All programs are approved by the Florida State Bar. As part of the five hours attorneys must now take a free two (2) hour Legal Professionalism course provided by the Florida Bar every three years. Click here for more info.

After purchase, you can add programs to your bundle to begin receiving credit. You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs. 

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


95 Courses
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55 minutes
A Review of Immigration Policies: Key Facts Explored
In this CLE program, The Knowledge Group presents immigration associates Vandana Ruda and Rebekah Kim to discuss the most significant developments and critical issues surrounding business immigration policies and regulations. The distinguished speakers will also highlight the best compliance amid the shifting regulatory paradigm.

The Knowledge Group

1 - General

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60 minutes
Taylor Swift is a Genius. Even About Legal Ethics
Everyone knows that Taylor Swift is a music genius. But she’s made some pretty smart moves in the courtroom too. Join the CLE Performer, Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he talks about how the ethics rules are invoked in some of Taylor Swift’s run ins with the legal system. You don’t have to be a Swiftie to watch the program…but you might end up one when you’re done!

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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57 minutes
Advancing Trial Skills: Critical Steps to an Effective Cross-Examination
This CLE presentation seeks to provide practitioners with guidance and advice on how to effectively cross-examine a witness at trial. The panel will discuss the goals of cross-examination, share how to best prepare for the examination, and offer practical tips and tricks for ensuring a strong cross-examination of a witness.

The Knowledge Group

1 - General

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60 minutes
eDiscovery bajo las Normas Federales de Procedimiento Civil
[This course is in spanish.] La mayoria de los abogados saben que la informaci?n relevante almacenada electronicamente (ESI) debe preservarse y presentarse en un litigio. Sin embargo, m?s all? de esas obligaciones basicas, es posible que muchos abogados no conozcan el marco que imponen las Normas Federales de Procedimiento Civil (FRCP) sobre el descubrimiento de ESI. Este programa ofrece una descripcion general de las disposiciones clave del FRCP que dirigen el proceso de descubrimiento en un tribunal federal y delinea pautas y mejores practicas para manejar esos requisitos.

Puerto Rican Bar Association

1 - General

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60 minutes
Cat Proverbs and Attorney Ethics
Why do we have so many cat sayings? What do they mean? And do they really teach anything about attorney ethics? In this program, Stuart will explain it all. We’ll talk about the origins of these cat sayings and the ethics lessons beneath each.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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60 minutes
Airplane Etiquette and Attorney Ethics
In this program we’re going to talk about Stuart’s Rules for Proper Airplane Etiquette. And what are rules of etiquette? They are rules of behavior. Well, look at that…it just so happens that the ethics rules are also rules of behavior. So let’s talk about how we should behave on a plane, and compare that to how we should behave in the practice.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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63 minutes
AI-Powered Legal Practice: Leveraging Technology in Fact Finding and Discovery
Join us for a panel discussion for a deep dive into how to mobilize new and existing technologies to build your AI toolbelt. Explore how these distinct technologies are shaping various aspects of legal practice and gain insights into their unique capabilities and applications.


1.5 - Technology

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62 minutes
The AI Evolution: Best Practices for Legal Teams and Generative AI
Artificial intelligence – especially generative AI – is significantly impacting the practice of law, transforming how teams interact with critical data while raising new risks and uncertainties. Join leading contract AI provider Evisort, along with legal industry and legal operations experts, to learn how to stay ahead of this rapidly evolving technology.


1 - Technology

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