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Build a Customized Georgia 12-Credit CLE CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Georgia 12-Credit CLE Bundle includes twelve (12) credit hours which will allow you to select the courses you want to take to fulfill your GA CLE requirement. All programs in the Georgia Compliance Bundle are approved by the Georgia State Bar.

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

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40 Courses
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62 minutes
It's Not a Tech Problem: Understanding Lawyer Competence in the Age of Technology
This session is a must-attend for all legal professionals seeking to bolster their technical competence and understand the role of technology in their professional responsibilities. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the intersection of law, ethics, and technology in the modern legal landscape. It’s designed to help legal professionals navigate their ever-changing professional and ethical obligations in the digital world.


1 - Ethics

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64 minutes
Decoding the Role of AI in Litigation
This session will provide a clear understanding of various kinds of AI, demystify common misconceptions, and empower you to leverage AI technologies to their full potential in legal proceedings. We will take an in-depth look at AI's current and potential uses in litigation, from predictive analytics to automated document review, drafting, and due diligence, and offer insights into how AI may be successfully integrated into litigation processes in the future.">This session will provide a clear understanding of various kinds of AI, demystify common misconceptions, and empower you to leverage AI technologies to their full potential in legal proceedings. We will take an in-depth look at AI's current and potential uses in litigation, from predictive analytics to automated document review, drafting, and due diligence, and offer insights into how AI may be successfully integrated into litigation processes in the future.

LWNY 2024

1 - General

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62 minutes
Ethical and Legal Considerations for the Deployment of AI in Litigation
The recent explosion of generative AI has brought with it a complex web of new legal and ethical considerations that lawyers must grapple with. In this session, we will delve into the unique ethical and legal considerations that arise from the use of AI in litigation. We will explore critical areas of concern such as privilege and confidentiality, privacy rights, data security, transparency, algorithmic bias, and liability issues. Our panel of renowned legal tech experts, ethicists, and practicing attorneys will guide participants through real-world scenarios to illustrate these challenges.">The recent explosion of generative AI has brought with it a complex web of new legal and ethical considerations that lawyers must grapple with. In this session, we will delve into the unique ethical and legal considerations that arise from the use of AI in litigation. We will explore critical areas of concern such as privilege and confidentiality, privacy rights, data security, transparency, algorithmic bias, and liability issues. Our panel of renowned legal tech experts, ethicists, and practicing attorneys will guide participants through real-world scenarios to illustrate these challenges.

LWNY 2024

1 - Ethics

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59 minutes
Trends in US Data Privacy Laws and Enforcement
Join this session as our privacy experts discuss recent additions to the US privacy law patchwork, changes on the horizon, and strategies for navigating widely varying state privacy laws.

LWNY 2024

1 - General

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60 minutes
Trends in Global Data Privacy Laws and Enforcement
At least one-hundred and three countries have international data privacy laws, and the number of countries enacting laws continues to grow. Panelists will discuss how their organizations are navigating the growing number of laws, current enforcement trends, and how laws will continue to evolve.

LWNY 2024

1 - General

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60 minutes
The Evolving Landscape of AI in e-Discovery: Staying Ahead of the Curve
Every industry is looking for ways to integrate generative AI into their workflows to support workers, automate mundane tasks, reduce costs, and the legal industry is no different. When it comes to implementing and adopting new technology though, there’s going to be heightened scrutiny and particularly from an ethics, bias and privacy standpoint. Join this session as we share insights on how firms can think about adoption of new technology like LLMs, from forming a task force to piloting products.

LWNY 2024

1 - General

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61 minutes
The Room Where it Happens: Identifying and Engaging the Essential Stakeholders in AI Initiatives
Panelists will discuss the importance of collaborative dialogue in successfully implementing AI and identify the key stakeholders necessary to achieve organization-wide success with AI. This session will highlight how different perspectives can contribute to more effective and ethical AI solutions, explore how stakeholder buy-in impacts adoption, and provide a dynamic platform for attendees to identify and discuss the crucial stakeholders necessary for the success of AI initiatives in their organizations.

LWNY 2024

1 - General

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61 minutes
The Evolving Workplace and the Surge in Unionization
The modern workforce is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by two powerful forces: the rise of the hybrid work model and the surge in unionization efforts. As organizations adapt to a new era of work, it is crucial for legal leaders to understand the implications of these changes and embrace a new mindset that fosters collaboration, productivity, and positive labor relations. Join us in this thought-provoking session as we explore the mindset shift required to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the hybrid workforce and the growing presence of unions in the corporate landscape.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - General

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