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Build a Customized Iowa 15-Credit CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Iowa 15-Credit Bundle allows you to select the courses you take form the Iowa Course Catalog including the two (3) hours in Ethics.

For 2020: The Iowa Commission on Continuing Legal Education allows attorneys to take up to fifteen (15) credit hours online, including three (3) hours in Ethics via online, on-demand courses.

Note: The Iowa Supreme Court has issued an order temporarily lifting the six (6) hour cap for unmoderated CLE until further notice. Iowa attorneys may complete all 15 hours of their CLE requirements using On-Demand courses.

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.


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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


30 Courses
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73 minutes
Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities in Commercial Real Estate Finance
As the legal environment and market conditions continue to shift, businesses concerned must keep up to date with current and emerging developments to implement proper lease controls and avoid potential risks. Join a panel of key thought leaders and distinguished experts as they provide the audience with an in-depth analysis of the latest trends, opportunities, and challenges in lease administration. Speakers will also offer effective strategies to help businesses navigate this evolving regulatory paradigm.

The Knowledge Group

1 - General

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60 minutes
Developing Strategic Patent Portfolios for Start-ups: Tips and Strategies
To thrive amidst uncertainties and the constant pressures facing startups, such companies should be well-versed in any developments surrounding patent laws and best practices to successfully navigate through legal complexities, build sound patent portfolios, and recognize common pitfalls which could result in long-term repercussions. Join experienced patent attorneys Robert Plotkin (Blueshift IP) and Mehdi Sheikerz (Staas & Halsey LLP) as they provide a comprehensive discussion of the latest trends and developments surrounding patent laws. Speakers, among other things, will also offer practical tips and strategies for managing patent portfolios for startups.

The Knowledge Group

1 - General

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68 minutes
Professional Burnout Among Lawyers
In this 1-hour course, psychologist, attorney, author, and television personality Dr. Brian Russell provides actionable insights for attorneys into the alarmingly and increasingly common phenomenon of professional burnout. Participants will learn what burnout is, how it impacts attorneys in and out of the office, how to spot it, how to be more proactive in the avoidance of it, and how to begin to address it if one is in the midst of it.

Dr. Brian Russell

1 - Attorney Wellness

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71 minutes
Self-Care and Work-Life Balance for Lawyers
In this 1-hour course, psychologist, attorney, author, and television personality Dr. Brian Russell provides actionable insights for attorneys who aspire to take better care of themselves and experience greater satisfaction with both their professional and personal lives. Participants will learn skills aimed at helping them to reduce professional burnout risk, to be more sustainably productive, and to live and work more mindfully and meaningfully.

Dr. Brian Russell

1 - Attorney Wellness

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61 minutes
The Ethics of ChatGPT and Other AI
So you’ve heard of this ChatGPT thing? I guess that means we should talk about it. Of course, this program isn’t only about ChatGPT. To properly understand the ethics issues in that program, we actually have to go a little deeper. So in this program we’ll be talking about the different ethics issues that impact both ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (generally), and a few other new technologies that are relevant to the discussion of generative AI.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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60 minutes
What Beethoven's 5th Teaches about Lawyer Mental Health
Join Stuart Teicher, Esq, as he shows how this masterful piece of music can help lawyers learn about mental health issues in the practice, such as: -Anxiety in the practice of law. -Lawyers, burnout, and being past the breaking point. -The need for lawyers to address anger management. -The unique issue in the practice of law: compassion fatigue.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Attorney Wellness

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