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New York CLE Compliance Bundle 083024

Save time with our hand-selected Compliance Bundles tailored to satisfy your mandatory state requirements.

The New York Compliance Bundle includes twenty-four (24) credit hours including the required four (4) credit hours of Ethics, two (2) credit hour of Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection-General , and two (2) credit hours of Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias.

The New York CLE Board allows attorneys to take all twenty-four (24) required CLE hours online, including the four (4) required hours in Ethics, one (1) required hour of Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection-General or Ethics, and one (1) required hour in Diversity, Inclusion, and Elimination of Bias.

We are an accredited provider of CLE by the New York CLE Board.

Please click here for frequently asked questions.

Buy Compliance Bundle $269.00 & nbsp;  

Bundle Courses

25 Courses
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60 minutes
Elimination of Bias Double Play: Advancing Diversity and Understanding Implicit Bias
This program identifies the most common ways implicit bias can affect the hiring, advancement and performance of lawyers, and provides practical guidance on what steps you can take to "de-bias" your company.

New Media Legal

1 - Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias

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