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Build a Customized New York CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The New York Build Your Bundle includes twenty-four (24) CLE credit hours and allows you to select the courses you wish to take to fulfill your required CLE including four (4) required hours in Ethics, one (1) hour in Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias and one (1) hour in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection-General or Ethics.

The New York CLE Board allows attorneys to take all twenty-four (24) required CLE hours online, including the four (4) required hours in Ethics, one (1) hour in Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias and one (1) hour in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection-General or Ethics.

After purchase, you can add programs to your bundle to begin receiving credit. You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs. 

We are an accredited provider of CLE by the New York CLE Board.

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638 Courses
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59 minutes
Selecting and Preparing Your Best Defense Witnesses
Despite the old saying, facts do not speak for themselves. People must speak for them. Further, humans learn and store information by stories, not by recitation of facts. Juror persuasion happens when the right story is told the right way. Join nationally respected trial consultant Rich Matthews for an exploration of the crucial but often undervalued part that the right witness with the right preparation plays in moving jurors to vote your way.

Property Casualty 360

1 - Skills

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59 minutes
Best Practices for Investigating a Claim and Preserving Evidence
From the onset, we must think about What Will the Jury See? First, potential evidence must be preserved then the investigation should strike a balance between privilege and documentation. When outside counsel is involved, they should trust but verify the investigation and identify other investigative needs.

Property Casualty 360

1 - Area of Professional Practice

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53 minutes
Litigation Showdown: What Are the Best Tips & Tricks To Get Through Litigation
Complex and multi-forum litigation present unique challenges beyond the substantive claims at issue. Attorneys and insurers need to know how to effectively manage litigation and efficiently move complex litigation through the court when litigation is unavoidable. This session will discuss the best practices in managing complex litigation including: handling multiple lawsuits in federal courts; handling multiple lawsuits in both state and federal courts; and handling a combination of individual and class actions.

Property Casualty 360

1 - Area of Professional Practice

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59 minutes
How to Avoid Litigation with Pre-Suit Claims Analytics
Pro-active analytics can potentially help identify and mitigate certain risks and avoid litigation. This presentation will focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) related human capital disclosures, including descriptions of a company’s workforce. A number of pro-active DEI-type reviews and audits, such as pay equity audits, reduction-in-force (RIF) audits, and wage and hour audits, may be performed to proactively identify and manage risk of claims, litigation, and financial and reputational impacts. This presentation will provide an overview of how, why, and when companies should consider conducting such reviews to identify and manage risk.

Property Casualty 360

1 - Area of Professional Practice

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61 minutes
Fraud: Exploring Best Practices, Techniques and Latest Technologies
Businesses everywhere are dealing with the repercussions of inflation, and of those is the increase in fraud risks to an organization. The risk of fraud is inevitable for companies of all shapes and sizes, but the pressures of current inflationary times mean the need for preventive oversight is at an all-time high. Fraud expert Natalie Lewis will provide insight into the internal and external threats of fraud as well as best practices to protect your organization.

Property Casualty 360

1 - Area of Professional Practice

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59 minutes
Alternatives to Litigation: Mediation and Creative Settlements
Property claims often involve multiple parties, emotive issues and significant brinkmanship all of which lead to protracted litigation, significant cost, and delay in resolution. While the numerous types of disputes involved in property losses require the ability to be flexible, very often, they have common themes and would benefit greatly from the narrowing of issues, at the earliest possible stage, which traditional litigation rarely promotes. Creativity and ADR can significantly help in the process.

Property Casualty 360

1 - Area of Professional Practice

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77 minutes
LJN Webinar Series: The Crypto Landscape Post-FTX
This presentation will cover the current status and near future outlook for the blockchain sector (or "crypto" broadly) from a legal standpoint. Questions answered include: What went wrong? Is crypto dead and buried? What's in store next for the industry and regulatory landscape? What's the cybersecurity state of play in crypto?

Law Journal Newsletters

1.5 - Area of Professional Practice

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57 minutes
Your Claim Has Gone to Court: Understanding What Happens & What to Expect
This presentation will discuss what steps to take when a claim for property damage has progressed into litigation. The presenters will discuss what to expect from start to finish in a litigated claim, focusing specifically on property damages claims and variations state to state. Presenters will share their observations and experiences from practice and jurisdiction, including FL, CA, and the Northeast, as well as the most common types of property claims arising in each area.

Property Casualty 360

1 - Area of Professional Practice