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Build a Customized New York CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The New York Build Your Bundle includes twenty-four (24) CLE credit hours and allows you to select the courses you wish to take to fulfill your required CLE including four (4) required hours in Ethics, one (1) hour in Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias and one (1) hour in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection-General or Ethics.

The New York CLE Board allows attorneys to take all twenty-four (24) required CLE hours online, including the four (4) required hours in Ethics, one (1) hour in Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias and one (1) hour in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection-General or Ethics.

After purchase, you can add programs to your bundle to begin receiving credit. You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs. 

We are an accredited provider of CLE by the New York CLE Board.

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


638 Courses
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61 minutes
Competency Double Play: Depression and Substance Abuse
Experts differ on whether lawyers are more prone to depression than others who work in equally high-stress occupations such as doctors. But one thing is clear: the stigma associated with depression is one of the reasons lawyers may not get help when they need it. Is an ancient virus the reason humans are susceptible to substance use disorders? How has modern medicine changed the way we treat substance use disorders? This program answers these important questions so that today's lawyers have the tools they need to help themselves or a colleague.

New Media Legal

1 - Ethics

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61 minutes
Investigations Double Play: Five Lessons from White-Collar Investigations and Conducting Defensible Internal Investigations
There are few things senior executives fear more than criminal prosecution, and that's with good reason because being prosecuted can ruin lives, reputations, finances -- both corporate and personal -- marriages, and families. This program provides practical advice for counsel on how their companies can seek to avoid triggering a criminal investigation and what to do if you're faced with one. With whistleblower complaints skyrocketing, how can companies conduct internal investigations that will be defensible to the SEC and other regulators? This program shares five key lessons for in-house lawyers as they are considering launching, managing and reporting the results of internal investigations.

New Media Legal

1 - Area of Professional Practice

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59 minutes
Data Breach Double Play: Lessons from Data Breach War Stories and Responding to Healthcare Data Breaches
In this program, you'll learn the lessons of some data breach cases that can help you protect your company when facing a data breach. This program also provides timely, actionable advice that includes the 5 things you can start doing today to help prevent data breaches and better prepare your company to respond to them if they do occur, focusing on the healthcare space where data breaches can include disclosure of personal health information regulated by state and federal laws including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

New Media Legal

1 - Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection-General

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62 minutes
Legal Ethics Double Play: Five Ethical Traps in Defending Class Actions and Ethical Issues in Multijurisdictional Practice
In this installment of our Double Play series, our two, thirty-minute programs cover five ethical traps in defending class actions and ethical issues in multijurisdictional practice. Can your company offer customers a discount on future purchases in exchange for a waiver of claims after a class has been certified? Can you ethically obtain declarations from putative class members to help oppose class certification? This program considers these and other important ethical issues that often arise in class actions. How well do you know the rules that govern your ability to perform legal services in a state where you are not licensed or the sanctions for violating them? This program gives you the guidance you need to avoid engaging in the unauthorized practice of law.

New Media Legal

1 - Ethics

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60 minutes
Potpourri Double Play: The Drying of the World and the Cannabis Industry Gold Rush
What would your company do if it ran out of water? For many reasons -- including climate change and population growth -- this is not merely a hypothetical but a real risk that your company needs to assess and manage. This program provides the guidance you need to evaluate and address the water risks your company faces while suggesting ways your company may be able to transform water risks into business opportunities. In the United States, cannabis is growing faster than any other industry and is expected to generate over $20 billion by 2020. But investing in cannabis, or doing business with companies involved in cannabis production or distribution, comes with substantial legal and other risks. This program offers practical advice to avoid the most common pitfalls when companies choose to invest in cannabis or do business with companies in that industry.

New Media Legal

1 - Area of Professional Practice

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63 minutes
Litigation Double Play: Winning on Appeal and How to Know if Your Litigator is Failing You
In this installment of our Double Play series, our two, thirty-minute programs cover winning on appeal and how to know if your litigator is failing you. Whether you’ve won or lost in the trial court, pivoting successfully from trial court to appellate litigator can make the difference between losing and winning your appeal.

This program guides you through the strategic decisions you need to make and the practical steps you need to follow to brief, argue and win your next appeal. Just because very few cases end up going to trial doesn't mean you don't need to prepare for trial in every case. Successfully defending claims in litigation requires your company to tell a compelling story to the judge and jury, and trial lawyers are highly skilled at developing and telling those stories. This program provides valuable insights and advice for in-house counsel selecting outside litigators and managing litigation from commencement through to settlement or trial.

New Media Legal

1 - Area of Professional Practice

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65 minutes
From Star Wars to Six Feet Under: Copyright’s Substantial Similarity Test in Film and TV 2023
This program reviews how courts have applied the substantial similarity test for copyright infringement in the context of popular feature films and television series. The presenter also shares several important practice tips for litigating copyright infringement cases when feature films and television series are in issue.

New Media Legal

1 - Area of Professional Practice

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62 minutes
Ford and Ferrari: Where Cars Find IP Protection in Trade Dress Law . . . Or Don't 2023
Using some examples of lawsuits involving Ford, Ferrari and other famous cars, this program review show courts have applied the standards for trade dress protection in the context of litigation over automobile designs.  The presenter also shares several important practice tips for litigating claims of trade dress infringement involving any type of product.

New Media Legal

1 - Area of Professional Practice