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Build a Customized New York CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The New York Build Your Bundle includes twenty-four (24) CLE credit hours and allows you to select the courses you wish to take to fulfill your required CLE including four (4) required hours in Ethics, one (1) hour in Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias and one (1) hour in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection-General or Ethics.

The New York CLE Board allows attorneys to take all twenty-four (24) required CLE hours online, including the four (4) required hours in Ethics, one (1) hour in Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias and one (1) hour in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection-General or Ethics.

After purchase, you can add programs to your bundle to begin receiving credit. You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs. 

We are an accredited provider of CLE by the New York CLE Board.

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


638 Courses
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60 minutes
What the Mississippi Delta Teaches About Bias in the Legal Profession
The area between the Mississippi and Yazoo Rivers is unlike any other place on earth. The history of the place is unique and so are the politics. In this one-of-a-kind program, Stuart Teicher, Esq. (the CLE Performer) traveled to the Delta and recorded a program about diversity and bias.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias

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60 minutes
The Danger of Digital Signatures (and Other Issues in Tech)
E-signatures have become a part of the practice, but there are ethical concerns with that. Join the CLE Performer Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he talks about digital signatures and a few other new ethics issues with technology.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection-Ethics

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60 minutes
8 Reasons Movie-Lawyers Would be Disciplined
Attorneys in film are constantly violating the ethics rules. Of course, the public probably doesn’t realize it, but us lawyers need to make sure that we don’t repeat these sometimes ridiculous gaffes. Join the CLE Performer, Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he explains the sometimes obvious and sometimes subtle ethics violations committed by lawyers in movies and on TV.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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59 minutes
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Profession
Join our panel for a fascinating discussion about the ethics of AI in the legal profession, in terms of advising AI developers, public policy concerns, and permissible uses of AI in legal practice.


1 - Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection-Ethics

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60 minutes
Are We on the Verge of a LegalTech Bubble?
Join our experts as they debate whether consumer demand supports the level of product innovation and the growing pool of VC funds backing LegalTech startups.


1 - Law Practice Management

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59 minutes
How Will Contract Automation Redefine the Traditional Attorney-Client Relationship?
Freeing up attorneys from boilerplate proofing is never a bad thing, but as machines begin to acquire deep learning capabilities, what does that mean for the future role of the contract attorney? What tasks will they be left with? Join us for this provocative session as our expert panelists ponder these questions and more.


1 - Area of Professional Practice

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58 minutes
Innovation Culture Wars
In this revealing session, our expert panelists will share their varied experiences and perspectives on how to overcome some of the institutionalized norms and attitudes that make innovation a challenging (albeit gratifying) endeavor.


1 - Area of Professional Practice

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58 minutes
Mitigating the Discovery Risks for the Hybrid Workforce
2020 fundamentally changed the way that businesses get work done. Everyone is now fully digitized, and dependent on Zoom, Microsoft, Slack, and mobile apps to engage with others and collaborate internally. This will have a profound impact on eDiscovery as we move toward a work-from-anywhere future. Join our panel as they discuss the implications, and share best practices to prepare for the future of work.


1 - Law Practice Management