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North Carolina CLE Mini Compliance Bundle

Save time with our hand-selected Compliance Bundles tailored to satisfy your mandatory state requirements.

Includes 4 Ethics, 1 Professional Well-Being and 1 Technology Training.

With the North Carolina CLE Mini Compliance Bundle you can complete up to twelve (12) CLE hours with four (4) hours in Ethics, one (1) hour in Professional Well-Being and one (1) hour in Technology Training.

The North Carolina State Bar requires attorneys to earn twenty-four (24) CLE hours which must include at least four (4) hours in Ethics, one (1) hour in Professional Well-Being (Formerly Mental Health & Substance Abuse) and one (1) hour in Technology Training every two (2) years. 

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

Buy Compliance Bundle $229.00   Add to Cart

Bundle Courses

12 Courses
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71 minutes
Self-Care and Work-Life Balance for Lawyers
In this 1-hour course, psychologist, attorney, author, and television personality Dr. Brian Russell provides actionable insights for attorneys who aspire to take better care of themselves and experience greater satisfaction with both their professional and personal lives. Participants will learn skills aimed at helping them to reduce professional burnout risk, to be more sustainably productive, and to live and work more mindfully and meaningfully.

Dr. Brian Russell

1 - Professional Well-Being

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61 minutes
The Ethics of ChatGPT and Other AI
So you’ve heard of this ChatGPT thing? I guess that means we should talk about it. Of course, this program isn’t only about ChatGPT. To properly understand the ethics issues in that program, we actually have to go a little deeper. So in this program we’ll be talking about the different ethics issues that impact both ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (generally), and a few other new technologies that are relevant to the discussion of generative AI.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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64 minutes
Winning on Appeal: Briefing & Strategy Nuts and Bolts and Do's and Don'ts
Whether you’ve won or lost in the trial court, winning your case on appeal requires an entirely different approach in terms of your strategy and the mechanics of presenting your case to the appellate court. Pivoting successfully from trial court to appellate litigator can make the difference between losing and winning your appeal. Peter Afrasiabi, Co-Director of the Appellate Practice Clinic at the UC Irvine School of Law and the Appellate Practice Chair at One LLP, guides you through the strategic decisions you need to make and the practical steps you need to follow to file, brief, argue and win your next appeal.

New Media Legal

1 - General

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67 minutes
Appellate Oral Arguments: Nuts and Bolts and Do's and Don'ts
Whether you’ve won or lost in the trial court, winning your case on appeal requires an entirely different approach in terms of your strategy and the mechanics of presenting your case to the appellate court. Pivoting successfully from trial court to appellate litigator can make the difference between losing and winning your appeal. Peter Afrasiabi, Co-Director of the Appellate Practice Clinic at the UC Irvine School of Law and the Appellate Practice Chair at One LLP, provides sage advice on how to prepare for and present your oral argument to an appellate court to help you win your next appeal.

New Media Legal

1 - General

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