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Build a Customized North Dakota CLE Compliance Mini Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

With one simple purchase, you can complete up to fifteen (15) self-study CLE hours towards fulfilling your North Dakota CLE  requirements.

North Dakota llows their attorneys to earn no more than thirty (30) of their required forty-five (45) CLE hours via self-study programming.

You have one full year from the date of your purchase to complete your programs.

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

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62 minutes
Ethical Considerations in eDiscovery: Rules and Responsibilities 2021
In this session, experts from Everlaw will go over these ethical obligations, court cases where attorneys didn't meet their obligations, and the impact it had on the cases and/or attorneys directly.


1 - Self-Study Ethics

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63 minutes
Optimizing Legal Ops Outcomes with Technology: A Decision Framework with a Focus on Data Management and the Importance of Contract Data
In this session, we'll look at the relationship between corporate legal operational maturity and the adoption of legal technology. Where have legal operations teams had the biggest impact (eDiscovery)? What is the biggest opportunity for the future (Contracts)? And what do these two areas have in common? Data. Learn from industry experts about how the most innovative legal departments are investing in new data driven solutions for their most pressing needs today, with an eye to building a data asset that will payback many times over.


1 - Self-Study

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55 minutes
Emerging Technologies for Effective eDiscovery in the Era of Digital Rich Media Communications
In this session, join a panel of experts to learn how current and future communication usage impact eDiscovery practices and processes, how to assess these changes at each phase of eDiscovery, and which emerging technologies can help you ensure your eDiscovery remains effective in the new paradigm of communications.


1 - Self-Study

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61 minutes
Leveraging Microsoft 365 in a Post-Schrems II World
The Schrems II decision to invalidate the EU-US Privacy Shield has had far-reaching ramifications for cross-border data transfers and cloud computing, including Microsoft 365 (M365). In this panel discussion, industry experts will review the high-impact challenges when it comes to M365 specifically and outline a way forward for attendees.


1 - Self-Study

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58 minutes
How Litigation Departments Can Minimize Cost, Reduce Risk and Get to Responsive Information Faster
Managing the litigation and regulatory requests that large corporations face is not an easy task, but the experts in Microsoft and Duke Energy's legal departments are up to the task! Join us to learn how Microsoft and Duke Energy approach their eDiscovery obligations utilizing Advanced eDiscovery in Microsoft 365, including some tips and tricks they have learned along the way.


1 - Self-Study

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62 minutes
Collaboration Data in the Wild: Streamlining Early Case Assessment and eDiscovery for Slack, Teams, and Workplace Data
In this session, panelists will discuss how collaboration tools have added further complexity in the eDiscovery process, and share best practices to effectively deal with online sources that are dynamic and difficult to control. With the right approach, legal teams can tame their enterprise collaboration data, then use it to their advantage.


1 - Self-Study

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56 minutes
AI Email Security in the Legal Sector: Securing Sensitive Data While Encouraging Collaboration
Join our speakers, as they look at how the threat landscape of 2021 will evolve, and discuss how AI cybersecurity provides a proactive solution to the challenges law firms will face this coming year.


1 - Self-Study

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58 minutes
How Legal can Leverage Agreement Data to Drive Organizational Strategy
Join DocuSign and our panel experts to learn how general counsels can tap into data resources that were previously impossible to access. What’s in those agreements, as well as the process used to create, negotiate and sign contracts are now sources of valuable information that can help general counsels drive better organizational strategy.


1 - Self-Study