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South Carolina CLE Compliance Bundle

Save time with our hand-selected Compliance Bundles tailored to satisfy your mandatory state requirements.

Includes 2 Ethics and 1 Mental Health & Substance Abuse

The South Carolina CLE Compliance Bundle contains eight (8) CLE hours online including two (2) in Ethics and one (1) in Mental Health & Substance Abuse. 

The Supreme Court of South Carolina Commission on CLE allows attorneys to take eight (8) of fourteen (14) CLE hours online including two (2) in Ethics and one (1) in Substance Abuse.

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

Buy Compliance Bundle $189.00   Add to Cart

Bundle Courses

7 Courses
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67 minutes
Themes from Therapy with Lawyers
In this 1-hour course, Dr. Brian Russell, Licensed Psychologist and Attorney, discusses issues encountered and interventions employed repeatedly in years of psychotherapy sessions with attorneys. Topics include "impostor syndrome," perfectionism, burnout, and spillover effects on relationships outside of work, as well as tips to help attorneys manage work-related stress more healthily, effectively, and sustainably.

Dr. Brian Russell

1.12 - Mental Health and Substance Abuse

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63 minutes
AI Fit or Misfit? Unmasking the Truth Behind AI Hype & Vetting Solutions for Your Organization
Legal teams are often overworked and understaffed but are still forced to keep up with their corporation's legal demands. One way to support the growing legal demands is with the use of AI solutions; however, with numerous options available, separating fact from fiction to make informed decisions about AI adoption can be challenging and overwhelming. Hear from our panel of thought leaders as they discuss the common misconceptions about AI, practical approaches to finding solutions that fit your business needs, and key considerations for evaluating AI solutions before they are integrated into your organization.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1.05 - General

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60 minutes
Lessons of Professionalism and Civility from Celebrities I've Met
Stuart Teicher (the CLE Performer) travels all across the country giving CLE programs, and he runs into a ton of celebrities on the road. In this program, Stuart will be showing photos of all the selfies he took with celebrities, and connecting those encounters to lessons of professionalism and civility in the practice of law.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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82 minutes
Taking Your Trial Advocacy to New Heights: Strategies for Effective Presentations in the Courtroom
Join Lee J. Hurwitz of Segal McCambridge Singer & Mahoney and Christopher Cianci of Lagasse Branch Bell Kinkead LLP for an in-depth discussion on the top strategies for winning trials. Our speakers will explore effective cross-examination techniques, the art of presenting complex evidence in an understandable way, and the use of rhetoric to influence courtroom opinions.

The Knowledge Group

1.37 - General

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64 minutes
Exploring the Ethical Dimensions of AI Integration in Legal Departments
This session will explore the ethical implications of using AI in legal decision-making, including issues related to bias, privacy, and transparency. Our expert panelists will share best practices to use AI tools ethically and responsibly, and will provide valuable insight on how legal departments are navigating the risks.

General Counsel Conference

1.07 - Ethics

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64 minutes
What's Keeping Your Litigation Teams Up at Night?
Join us for an open dialogue that addresses the unique concerns of litigation professionals and offers actionable insights to navigate the complexities of modern legal disputes.

General Counsel Conference

1.07 - General

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116 minutes
Winning Trial Strategies: Tactics and Defenses Explored
Listen as we provide the audience with a comprehensive discussion on the top strategies to prepare for success at a trial. The speakers will delve into the fundamental aspects to consider, including proven tactics and defenses.

The Knowledge Group

1.93 - General

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