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Build a Customized Vermont CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Vermont Bundle contains six (6) CLE hours and allows you to select the courses you take from the Vermont course catalog including two (2) hours in Ethics.

The State Bar of the Supreme Court of Vermont allows attorneys to take twenty-four (24) CLE hours online via self-study (unmoderated) programming including two (2) hours in Ethics, one (1) hour in Diversity and Inclusion, and one (1) hour in Attorney Wellness. 

You have one full year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

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837 Courses
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61 minutes
Are You Ready? Experts Discuss Preserving Corporate Client’s Dynamic ESI in Litigation
To answer these questions, Pagefreezer partnered with the Association of Certified eDiscovery Specialists (ACEDS) to uncover the industry’s state of readiness for dealing with website, social media, and team collaboration content. This session will be based on this joint research and will bring together industry experts for a panel discussion.


1 - Self-Study

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60 minutes
eDiscovery on the Edge: Stories of Practitioners Pushing the Boundaries of eDiscovery and Legal Tech
eDiscovery technology went big in 2022, delivering ever more extensive capabilities in eDiscovery and stretching out to other areas such as compliance, cyber, continual monitoring, and more. Hear how our speakers use AI and legal tech to push to and past traditional eDiscovery boundaries – while delivering new solutions that solve old problems more effectively, efficiently, and affordably than ever.


1 - Self-Study

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60 minutes
Three Practical Ways You Can Leverage AI Today to Make an Impact
It is not always easy to figure out how to leverage emerging technologies like AI and machine learning. Join our legal experts to learn three practical ways corporate legal departments can start using AI to make an immediate impact.


1 - Self-Study

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61 minutes
Legal Talks: Contract Life Cycle Management & Analytics
Join this panel as they discuss how best to manage contracts lifecycles and how legal’s role in it can help the process of aligning objectives to business targets.


1 - Self-Study

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58 minutes
What to Do With Chat: eDiscovery and Governance
A growing challenge is how to manage chat discussions, both in eDiscovery and Information Governance. In this moderated panel session, our experts will delve into issues of ingestion, retention, permissions, and collaboratively discuss the solution paths to the question of what to do with chat in eDiscovery and Information Governance.


1 - Self-Study

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59 minutes
Rapid Fire on New Technology Driving Superior Legal Services
As more and more clients continue to request for law firms to introduce new tools and technologies to improve legal services, law firms are being forced to really consider which tools are not only fitting to their organization but also a differentiator for existing and future clients. Join this session as our experts consider what clients are most commonly requesting, share insights into tools and technologies they introduced or created, and provide an overview of the issues and successes they’ve seen along the way.


1 - Self-Study

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58 minutes
Surviving the App-ocolypse - eDiscovery in an Age of Atypical Data
Data has never been more intimidating: Slack attacks, Zoom booms, short format and continual messaging, and more apps that you can count. A tsunami of new and emerging data sources – ones that don’t work when handled as a traditional document – is crashing down on us. Learn how our panelists not just survive but thrive working with data like Slack, Teams, Zoom, WhatsApp, social media, and more.


1 - Self-Study

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65 minutes
Hack My MBA for Lawyers: Business Ethics vs. Legal Ethics
In this third program in the series, Zach McGee explores the topic of business ethics versus legal ethics to help you answer two key questions: what are your business clients taught about ethics, and how can you, as their lawyer, help them make ethical business decisions? Zach uses notorious scandals at Theranos, Volkswagen and Turing Pharmaceuticals to illustrate how real-world institutional and competitive pressures can lead some business leaders to follow unethical business practices. Rules covered include: ABA Model Rule 2.1; ABA Model Rule 4.1; and Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code Section 6068.

New Media Legal

1 - Self-Study Ethics