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Virginia Mini CLE Compliance Bundle

Save time with our hand-selected Compliance Bundles tailored to satisfy your mandatory state requirements.

Includes 2 Ethics credits

With the Virginia CLE  Mini Compliance Bundle you can complete four (4) MCLE hours, including two (2) hours in ethics required by the Virginia State Bar.

The Virginia State Bar allows attorneys to take eight (8) of the twelve (12) required CLE hours online, including the two (2) required hours in ethics.

You'll have one full year from the date of your purchase to complete your programs

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

Buy Compliance Bundle $169.00 & nbsp;  

Bundle Courses

3 Courses
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122 minutes
Legal Ethics: The ChatGPT Lawyers Sanctions Case
In the latest installment of this popular series, Zach McGee discusses the now infamous “ChatGPT lawyers sanctions” case where a New York federal district judge sanctioned two lawyers and their law firm under Rule 11 for submitting a brief that cited to six federal court decisions that did not in fact exist. In a case of seemingly first impression, ChatGPT had made up these cases out of whole cloth, and the lawyers failed to do any independent verification of those cases before filing their brief. This fascinating case is a cautionary tale for any lawyer who is tempted to use ChatGPT or other generative AI tools in their legal practice.

New Media Legal

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59 minutes
Alternatives to Litigation: Mediation and Creative Settlements
Property claims often involve multiple parties, emotive issues and significant brinkmanship all of which lead to protracted litigation, significant cost, and delay in resolution. While the numerous types of disputes involved in property losses require the ability to be flexible, very often, they have common themes and would benefit greatly from the narrowing of issues, at the earliest possible stage, which traditional litigation rarely promotes. Creativity and ADR can significantly help in the process.

Property Casualty 360

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63 minutes
Litigation Double Play: Winning on Appeal and How to Know if Your Litigator is Failing You
In this installment of our Double Play series, our two, thirty-minute programs cover winning on appeal and how to know if your litigator is failing you. Whether you’ve won or lost in the trial court, pivoting successfully from trial court to appellate litigator can make the difference between losing and winning your appeal.

This program guides you through the strategic decisions you need to make and the practical steps you need to follow to brief, argue and win your next appeal. Just because very few cases end up going to trial doesn't mean you don't need to prepare for trial in every case. Successfully defending claims in litigation requires your company to tell a compelling story to the judge and jury, and trial lawyers are highly skilled at developing and telling those stories. This program provides valuable insights and advice for in-house counsel selecting outside litigators and managing litigation from commencement through to settlement or trial.

New Media Legal

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