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Build a Customized Washington CLE Compliance Mini Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

With the Washington Mini Bundle you can take up to twenty-three (23) CLE hours including the required six (6) hours in Ethics. With this bundle you can select the courses you wish to take from our Washington course catalog for only $229.

The Washington State Bar Association allows attorneys to take all forty-five (45) required MCLE hours online, including the six (6) in ethics. 

The courses in our Washington course catalog are all approved by the Washington State Bar Association.

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98 Courses
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60 minutes
The Nexus between Discovery, Security and Privacy
The connection between Discovery, Security and Privacy is evolving, as new regulations materialize and the threat landscape expands. Join this session to hear from legal professionals on how Privacy and Security is front and center, to support and manage eDiscovery at Microsoft as well as other organizations.


1 - Law and Legal Procedure

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60 minutes
Becoming a Contract MVP: Establishing a Focused Approach to Contract Management
Also known as roadblock removers, strategic partners and deal accelerators. In this engaging conversation, led by two of your favorite Contract MVPs, we'll dive into the top 5 superpowers every Contract MVP has up their sleeves. And how, with the right technology partner and laser focus, you can use those superpowers to wow the business.


1 - Law and Legal Procedure

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62 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Bill of Rights - The Fourth Amendment
Does the Fourth Amendment - which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures - bar law enforcement agencies from using online search histories, text messages, thermal tracking, GPS data or cellular phone pings to find and prosecute individuals? In the latest installment of “The Curious Lawyer” series, Peter Afrasiabi takes a deep dive into each of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights, reminding us what each amendment protects and illustrating its impact on the other constitutional protections we enjoy. Whether you are a budding constitutional scholar or simply looking for interesting facts to share at a cocktail party, the Bill of Rights series is for you.

New Media Legal

1 - Law and Legal Procedure

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61 minutes
Legalweek: Case Law Update 2023
Join this session as our experts outline the most prominent cases dominating 2023, how they will impact the law going forward and big cases that are likely to hit the docket soon.


1 - Law and Legal Procedure

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56 minutes
Everything You Wanted to Know about eDiscovery AI (But Were Too Afraid to Ask)
At every conference someone asks, “what is AI?” and “how does it apply in eDiscovery”? Our panelists have the answers, and they’ll share them with you – not by trotting out some dry academic definition but via example. By the time this session is done, you too will be able to answer those questions with confidence.


1 - Law and Legal Procedure

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58 minutes
e-Discovery in the News: Legal and Media Perspectives
From the data of Elon Musk to the texts of Alex Jones, e-discovery has become a big story in the news. With perspectives from the worlds of law and journalism, join us as we examine the e-discovery law issues and the cases that have become major media stories, including topics such as waiver of the attorney-client privilege, preservation of potential evidence, and the varied data sources making e-discovery challenging and, at times, newsworthy. In addition, we’ll examine how e-discovery matters can end up in the news and the potential pitfalls.


1 - Ethics

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61 minutes
Demystifying Cyber Insurance
Join this session as our cyber insurance experts consider the current status of cyber insurance, delve into the process and the due diligence required before adopting a policy, and offer insights into the challenges you can face with your policy downstream.


1 - Law and Legal Procedure

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61 minutes
Legal Ethics: Representing the Devil
In the latest installment of this popular series, Zach McGee examines an important question: what are your legal and ethical obligations when your client turns out to be the devil incarnate, or at the very least, a very bad and unethical person? Using the criminal fraud and conspiracy convictions of “PharmaBro” Martin Shkreli and his lawyer, Evan Greebel, as the backdrop for the discussion, Zach provides practical guidance to lawyers should they ever find themselves representing a smart, arrogant, manipulative fraudster. Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 1.2, 1.6, 1.13, 1.16, 4.1 & 8.4

New Media Legal

1 - Ethics

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