To read the full interview with NWF's GC, Cynthia Lewin, click here.

Q: What types of lobbying does the National Wildlife Federal get involved with?

A: As a 501(c)(3) organization, the National Wildlife Federation can't participate at all in political campaigns. We can do a certain amount of lobbying, but we have to track it and report it. Right now, because we're trying to make global warming an issue in the political campaigns, we have to be careful that we're not doing that in a partisan way. We have to make sure that we're not speaking about particular candidates' positions, things like that. There are a lot of judgment calls to be made on lobbying. We have a big ad coming out in USA Today that calls on congress to take action on global warming. I have to figures out if that's lobbying, and if so, what particular kind. There are a couple of different categories of lobbying and I have to figure out how to categorize this particular type.

Q: With gasoline prices rising, do you think more people will be buying hybrids?

A: I don't know. As gas prices go up and hybrid pricing comes down, I think there will be. I just read a study that shows there aren't that many people driving hybrids and that there aren't that many people who think they're going to buy one, and I don't know why that is. I hope that we'll see that attitude change, and I hope we'll see technology change not only in cars but all through our economy so that we have these more affordable choices. Hopefully there isn't going to be too much of a premium on the new energy efficient technologies as they come out.

To read the full interview with NWF's GC, Cynthia Lewin, click here.

Q: What types of lobbying does the National Wildlife Federal get involved with?

A: As a 501(c)(3) organization, the National Wildlife Federation can't participate at all in political campaigns. We can do a certain amount of lobbying, but we have to track it and report it. Right now, because we're trying to make global warming an issue in the political campaigns, we have to be careful that we're not doing that in a partisan way. We have to make sure that we're not speaking about particular candidates' positions, things like that. There are a lot of judgment calls to be made on lobbying. We have a big ad coming out in USA Today that calls on congress to take action on global warming. I have to figures out if that's lobbying, and if so, what particular kind. There are a couple of different categories of lobbying and I have to figure out how to categorize this particular type.

Q: With gasoline prices rising, do you think more people will be buying hybrids?

A: I don't know. As gas prices go up and hybrid pricing comes down, I think there will be. I just read a study that shows there aren't that many people driving hybrids and that there aren't that many people who think they're going to buy one, and I don't know why that is. I hope that we'll see that attitude change, and I hope we'll see technology change not only in cars but all through our economy so that we have these more affordable choices. Hopefully there isn't going to be too much of a premium on the new energy efficient technologies as they come out.