I love those scientific studies that purport to show red wine is good for your health. They fit in perfectly with my theory that I deserve a reward after a hard (or even not-so-hard) day at the office–and that the best rewards come in bottles with corks. When I get home, I want my glass of wine, and I want it NOW. Even though my china cabinet displays some lovely decanters, I never take the time to pour in a bottle of wine and wait for it to breathe.

So imagine my delight at a recent gathering when the hostess pulled out an instant wine aerator and announced that she would conduct a blind taste test to prove its efficacy. Since she is a former food and wine critic with a second home in Paris, I knew this was a gadget to take seriously.

She presented us each with before-and-after glasses of Cabernet without disclosing which was which. The verdict of the judges–a mix of wine connoisseurs and just plain old wine drinkers like me–was unanimous: The aerated wine definitely tasted better.

Using the Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator, available at Vinturi.com for $39.95, is as quick and easy as pouring a glass of wine. You just hold the acrylic aerator over a glass and pour the wine through. The Vinturi draws in air and instantly mixes it through the wine with a gurgling sound. Voila, your reward is ready.

In my experience the Vinturi makes mediocre wines taste really good and takes the harsh edges and bitter aftertaste off the cheaper varieties. More sophisticated wine lovers say it results in improved bouquet, richer taste and a smoother finish to fine wines as well.

The cool-looking Vinturi comes with a convenient rubber holder that eliminates drips and a carrying case–some people even take it to restaurants. I don't go that far, but the Vinturi does have a special place on my counter. And I'm really glad that I finished writing this review so I can go home now and put it to use.