Samsung dropped a countersuit against rival Apple in a prolonged patent-infringement battle between the two companies. Bloomberg reports that the lawsuit was dropped on June 30 in order to “streamline the legal proceedings,” according to Samsung spokesman Nam Ki Yung.

Samsung, which supplies memory chips to Apple, had filed the countersuit in response to a lawsuit filed by Apple in which the company claimed Samsung's Galaxy smartphones and tablets are copies of Apple's iPhone and iPad.

Samsung reportedly will continue to pursue a counterclaim in another lawsuit filed by Apple in a San Jose, Calif., court. Litigation between the two technology companies also is occurring in Germany, Japan, South Korea and the U.K.

Samsung dropped a countersuit against rival Apple in a prolonged patent-infringement battle between the two companies. Bloomberg reports that the lawsuit was dropped on June 30 in order to “streamline the legal proceedings,” according to Samsung spokesman Nam Ki Yung.

Samsung, which supplies memory chips to Apple, had filed the countersuit in response to a lawsuit filed by Apple in which the company claimed Samsung's Galaxy smartphones and tablets are copies of Apple's iPhone and iPad.

Samsung reportedly will continue to pursue a counterclaim in another lawsuit filed by Apple in a San Jose, Calif., court. Litigation between the two technology companies also is occurring in Germany, Japan, South Korea and the U.K.