InsideCounsel (or some version of it) has been around for a while now—more than 20 years, in fact. And in that time, we have been fortunate enough to have some really talented and dedicated writers. From our in-house staff of editors to our regular freelancers to our diverse group of columnists, each person who has contributed to this magazine has helped give it its voice and make it the success it is today.

But it's true to say that throughout the years we have cycled through quite a few people. Editors have moved on to different places in their careers, freelancers have found other gigs and columnists have become too busy to continue to commit to the magazine.

There is one contributor to InsideCounsel (and before that, Corporate Legal Times), however, who has stood the test of time. This issue marks the 20th year Inside Non-Profits columnist Bruce Collins has been contributing his insightful perspective on life from the in-house non-profit bar—that's 241 columns to date. The column (titled “At the Non-Profit Bar” until 2006) is well-read by our subscribers, despite only a small percentage of them being non-profit lawyers.

Collins has always found a way to insert humor into his topic. One column truly stands out among the others. In March 2004, he wrote a piece called “The Trouble With Finding The Perfect Word.” The first line reads, “Microsoft Word is an abomination.” Then he launched into a tirade about the program, claiming its automatic spell-check and grammar corrections are enough to send any lawyer into an anger management program. That column generated more feedback than any other piece in the magazine—our readers wholeheartedly agreed with Collins' frustration. (Read that column again here.)

Collins also has been a big supporter of InsideCounsel's annual SuperConference (held this year on April 23-24 in Chicago). He has moderated roundtable discussions, sat on panels and simply attended the event. As the voice of the non-profit bar, he has been an essential part of the magazine and a true supporter of InsideCounsel over many years. And for that, I offer the sincerest thanks.