At InsideCounsel, we're dedicated to the advancement of women in law. Through our Transformative Leadership program and Project 5/165, we do what we can to attempt to reach the day when women are truly equal to men in the legal profession. So, naturally, this month's Atlantic cover story caught our eye. Anne-Marie Slaughter's “Why Women Still Can't Have It All” scrutinizes the standards we hold working women to, especially those who are trying to balance a career and a family. Women who prioritize their families often suffer professionally, she says.

One of the biggest challenges facing working mothers, Slaughter says, is the pervasive belief throughout the business world that the more hours you put in at your job, the better employee you are. She points to law firms as a prime example of this problem:

“Nothing captures the belief that more time equals more value better than the cult of billable hours afflicting large law firms across the country and providing exactly the wrong incentives for employees who hope to integrate work and family,” the story reads.