A couple weeks ago, we reported some good news: A recent survey from the Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) found there are more Fortune 500 women general counsel than ever before.

Today, we bring you more promising news from the MCCA: 47 minorities now serve as GCs at Fortune 500 companies, which is an all-time high. The number is 9.4 percent of the total number of Fortune 500 GCs and is an increase of four minority GCs since 2010—all four of which are women. The MCCA reports that the number of minority women GCs in the Fortune 500 has more than doubled between 2008 and 2011.

According to the MCCA, of the 47 minority Fortune 500 GCs, 28 are African-American, 11 are Asian-American, six are Hispanic, one is from the Middle East and one is from Armenia.

“The number of minority general counsel at Fortune 500 companies has been steadily increasing since 2008,” Joseph K. West, MCCA President and CEO, said in a press release. “A tough economy and high unemployment have hit minorities particularly hard, but when solid growth and robust hiring return, we expect to see minorities continue their advance in the legal departments of the nation's largest companies.”

For more InsideCounsel stories focused on women and minority lawyers, read:

More Fortune 500 women GCs than ever before, study says

The myth of meritocracy

Study names 25 of the most diverse law firms

25 U.S. companies commit to using women and minority-owned law firms

The Atlantic's “Why Women Still Can't Have It All” hits home for female lawyers

Transformative Leadership Awards honors women in corporate law

A couple weeks ago, we reported some good news: A recent survey from the Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) found there are more Fortune 500 women general counsel than ever before.

Today, we bring you more promising news from the MCCA: 47 minorities now serve as GCs at Fortune 500 companies, which is an all-time high. The number is 9.4 percent of the total number of Fortune 500 GCs and is an increase of four minority GCs since 2010—all four of which are women. The MCCA reports that the number of minority women GCs in the Fortune 500 has more than doubled between 2008 and 2011.

According to the MCCA, of the 47 minority Fortune 500 GCs, 28 are African-American, 11 are Asian-American, six are Hispanic, one is from the Middle East and one is from Armenia.

“The number of minority general counsel at Fortune 500 companies has been steadily increasing since 2008,” Joseph K. West, MCCA President and CEO, said in a press release. “A tough economy and high unemployment have hit minorities particularly hard, but when solid growth and robust hiring return, we expect to see minorities continue their advance in the legal departments of the nation's largest companies.”

For more InsideCounsel stories focused on women and minority lawyers, read:

More Fortune 500 women GCs than ever before, study says

The myth of meritocracy

Study names 25 of the most diverse law firms

25 U.S. companies commit to using women and minority-owned law firms

The Atlantic's “Why Women Still Can't Have It All” hits home for female lawyers

Transformative Leadership Awards honors women in corporate law