Johnson & Johnson must pay tens of millions of dollars for the gruesome side effects its Motrin painkiller caused in a young girl.

In 2003, Samantha Reckis, who was then 7 years old, took Children's Motrin and developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, causing her to go blind, lose 90 percent of her skin, suffer brain damage and lose 80 percent of her lung capacity. The Reckis family sued Johnson & Johnson in 2007, claiming the company failed to warn consumers about the life-threatening reactions associated with Motrin.

Yesterday, a Massachusetts jury said Johnson & Johnson must pay Reckis and her family $63 million as a result of Motrin's effects. Although Johnson & Johnson says it disagrees with the jury's decision, it did say in a statement that the Reckis family “has suffered a tragedy, and we sympathize deeply with them.”

Read ABC News and Thomson Reuters for more about the case.

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