Not only does Hillary Clinton have a real chance at becoming president of the United States, but according to Wes Anderson writing in Duets Blog, she also is in line to trigger a quirky trademark law.

The Trademark Act prohibits registration of a trademark involving a name of a living individual, unless he or she consents, explains Anderson. This ceases when the person dies, except for presidents and former presidents of the United States. The statute provides additional protection to them, banning the trademark of their names or images for the life of the widow.

Since Bill Clinton is already protected under this clause, “if Hillary wins the presidency, the Clintons will effectively enjoy double protection,” says Anderson. “This would, of course, be the first time that Section 2(c) could be prospectively applied in such a way—one former president's lifetime protecting another former president's personal name.” Anderson explains that already back in 2008 an application was filed to trademark “BILL CLINTON, THE FIRST MAN,” which was refused under Section 2(c).