We first see your clicks on a big monitor on the wall. Then we get the traffic dashboard by email each morning. Finally, I asked our metrics mavens to send me the data for 2015 (as of December 1). I've organized it into the three categories you see below. Here's what you were most interested in.

Top Articles. Collectively, they seem to say a lot about our readers. You are focused on doing a good job, getting paid for it and staying on top of new trends.

Top CC Surveys. Be honest: You've always been interested in general counsel compensation. Last year you were really interested, weren't you? Our most read article online was the 2015 compensation survey, and three articles in our top 25 involved our compensation surveys (including No. 23, which was our 2014 survey). Best Legal Departments was the second most popular article for the year, and Who Represents America's Biggest Companies also made the top 15.