The end of the year is an especially good time of the year for inside and outside counsel to connect to obtain and provide useful feedback about the relationship and about the upcoming year's goals for the client business. Despite busy year-end calendars, clients appreciate the opportunity to have a year-end review, preferably initiated by their outside counsel.

For outside counsel, here is a straight-forward format for a year-end review, compliments of input from various in house counsel and our consultants:

Client service questions to consider:

  • How would you describe the relationship with us?

  • What would you consider the most important elements of a professional relationship?

  • Are there specific areas that we could improve?

  • How would you describe the quality of our work?

  • Regarding value, how do we compare to other law firms?

  • Would you suggest any changes?

Upcoming year planning questions to consider:

  • What are your top three priorities this year?

  • Can you describe your goals and objectives for the coming year?

  • What potential challenges does the company face?

  • Where do you see the business going in 1, 3 or 5 years?

  • What are the critical company initiatives for the upcoming year?

  • What growth opportunities do you foresee in the future?

  • What are the greatest challenges you're facing in the legal dept.?

  • What's currently working in the legal dept.? What's not?

  • How do you see using outside counsel to help you achieve your goals?

  • What criteria are used for selecting outside counsel?