1. The Ten Highest Paid GCs In America Here are the top ten in-house earners, ranked by total cash compensation, a metric that integrates salary, bonus and other non-equity pay. 2. Uber Names PepsiCo's Tony West As New Chief Legal Officer The Pepsico GC and former DOJ official will lead a legal department that has plenty of challenges on its plate. 3. Here Are The Ten Highest Paid Female GCs In The U.S. As part of our 2017 General Counsel Compensation Survey, Corporate Counsel affiliate ALM Legal Intelligence broke down the data to reveal the top earning female legal department leaders. 4. Stepping Up: The 2017 GC Compensation Survey The latest edition of our General Counsel Compensation Survey shows that pay packages are getting bigger—and that there's a new face at the top of the rankings. 5. Amazons GC on No-Lose Talent Program in Legal Department Amazon is a participant in the OnRamp Fellowship program for women attorneys who want to re-enter the workforce after time off. 6. After Yahoo, Are In-House Counsel Jobs at Risk Over Cybersecurity? The departure of Ron Bell, the general counsel of Yahoo, from his position in the wake of massive data breaches at the company raises the question of how much legal departments should be held responsible for cybersecurity failures. 7. An Open Letter From 25 General Counsel Announcing a real-time exercise to test industry assumptions and understand how to improve the legal market and relationships between law firms and clients. 8. How VWs In-House Lawyers Screwed Up a Litigation Hold The obstruction of justice charge filed against Volkswagen AG on Wednesday pertains not only to lies by employees to federal regulators, but also to actions by VW's in-house legal team, according to statements attached to the plea agreement. 9. New PepsiCo General Counsel David Yawman Came to Stay This time, PepsiCo promoted from the inside to find a new general counsel. 10. Uber's Firing of Two In-House Lawyers Raises Questions About Legal Culture Uber Technologies Inc.'s reported firing of two in-house lawyers who expressed concerns about data-retention policies and allegedly made unauthorized contact with outside counsel has raised questions among observers about the management of the law department at the ride-hailing company.
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