[caption id="attachment_8844" align="alignnone" width="245"] Paul Swegle, general counsel of Observa, EVERY, Breathometer Inc., XeePay and Newyu Inc.[/caption] 
draft a book or two Contract Drafting and Negotiation for Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals ,"  one of Amazon's specialty bestseller lists "I've seen a few instances where very bad contracts were signed and caused huge problems," Swegle said. "That was the initial inspiration for the book. [I said] I need to put this down in writing so this doesn't happen again, at my company or other companies."   didn't write it for lawyers, although lawyers will find it very useful," he said. "I wanted to put the advice out there to the broader public, [the advice] that I've been giving to my own companies for a number of years."  "I've been doing this for so long it's a little easier for me to juggle things," said Swegle, who claims to have negotiated more than 1,000 agreements.