What was your route to the top? I began practicing law in 1992. I have experience with multiple law firms focusing on litigation matters involving title insurance, automobile and home insurance and personal injury. In 2012, I joined Amrock as an Associate Corporate Counsel, tackling litigation matters ranging from title claim resolution to general litigation matters involving contract disputes, negligence, the unauthorized practice of law, as well as providing assistance with employment matters. In 2015, I was fortunate enough to be chosen to participate in an intern mentorship program at Amrock, which I view as the stepping stone into the my current position as a Senior Corporate Counsel team leader.

What keeps you up at night? (i.e. What are your biggest business-related concerns?) I am kept up at night determining the potential outcomes that important decisions will have on the business, making sure that all angles have been explored and the best decision for the business is being made under the circumstances.

What is the best leadership advice you provided, or received, and why do you think it was effective? The best leadership advice I've received is to let team members take ownership and responsibility for their projects, always being available for discussion, guidance and support. This approach allows team members to grow their knowledge base, as well as sharpen their skills, trusting that there is someone to turn to when help is needed.

Looking back, what do you wish you had known when you started out in the legal profession? When I first started practicing law, I did not realize the extent to which women need to bond together and promote the growth of each other. We can lead each other to success when we work together.

What is the most valuable career advice anyone has ever given you? The advice that has always guided me through my professional career as well as my personal life was given to me by my father: do the right thing. It may not always result in the most popular decision, but it allows me to maintain integrity.