Martha Wyrsch of Sempra energy.

What was your route to the top? My career has been a mosaic of business and legal leadership roles. I have served as general counsel for three Fortune 500 public companies, as president and CEO for two major divisions of global energy companies; and as an independent director for three U.S.-based Fortune 500 public companies and one U.K.-based FTSE 150 company. This broad and deep experience has provided me insight and perspective, allowing me to bring judgment informed by diverse experiences to my current role as general counsel for Sempra Energy.

What keeps you up at night? (i.e. What are your biggest business-related concerns?) Effective risk management is fundamental to the success of our business. I must look across our complex and highly regulated business to ensure that we take into account the shifting political and business landscape and conflicts between state and federal policy makers, along with all other aspects of running a multi-billion-dollar energy company. These are the issues that keep me awake at night.

What is the best leadership advice you provided, or received, and why do you think it was effective? Leadership is all about growing others. Give your team the proper tools and resources—along with the confidence to seek your advice and counsel — and let them do their jobs.

Looking back, what do you wish you had known when you started out in the legal profession? Looking back, I wish I had known how much fun I would have! I have had an amazing career and wish I had taken more time to enjoy it in my formative years on Capitol Hill, and as a law firm associate.

What is the most valuable career advice anyone has ever given you? Just say “yes!” Say “yes” to all the opportunities — even when you worry you won't succeed. The person offering you the chance is very unlikely to let you fail and, most often, you will accomplish more than you ever thought you could.