Kim Matthews, vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary of Hot Topic.

Name: Kim Matthews

Category: In-House: Retail & Consumer Goods

Firm/Company: Hot Topic

Title: Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

Time in Position: Since 2017

What was your route to the top?

My route to this position was circuitous. I began my legal career in one industry, telecom regulation and two different industries later (weight management and retail) found my way to Hot Topic. I believe that we always can learn and grow and I courageously stepped out of my comfort zone on numerous occasions not knowing if the risks taken were going to lead to something great or leave me stranded looking for another opportunity. The one thing that always kept me moving forward was the belief that everything gets resolved; we just have to keep at it. Now I am pivoting to what I hope is a more business focus as I pursue my Master of Business Administration at University of California, Los Angeles. I have always believed that in house counsel needed to be business savvy in addition to understanding the legal issues and be willing to take the right level of risk in order to help move the business forward. Otherwise, we are simply a necessary nuisance and that's not fun for anyone.

What keeps you up at night?

That actions happen and we find out after the fact. Preventing issues is much easier than cleanup, but unfortunately, we tend to do a lot of both.

What is the best leadership advice you've given or received, and why do you think it was effective?

"There are more important things than being right … even if you are."

Looking back, what do you wish you had known when you started out in the legal profession?

I wish I had the listening skills then that I (believe) I have now.

What is the most valuable career advice anyone has ever given you?

Know your audience.